Cholesterol: causes, symptoms and treatment of elevated levels. High cholesterol: causes and treatment

Cholesterol is both our friend and enemy at the same time. In normal amounts, this is a necessary compound for the proper functioning of the body, but if the level of cholesterol in the blood rises, then it becomes a silent enemy to human health, increasing the risk.

In this article, we'll talk about what cholesterol is, the causes and symptoms of elevated levels, and how the condition can be diagnosed. We will also look at possible treatments and measures that each person can take to lower blood cholesterol levels.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is found in every cell of the human body and has important functions. Replenishment of cholesterol reserves is carried out both from the outside, that is, with food, and by production in the body itself.

Cholesterol is an organic compound - natural fatty (lipophilic) alcohol, does not dissolve in water and, accordingly, in the blood. It is transported throughout the body by lipoproteins.

There are 2 types of lipoproteins:

  • Low density lipoproteins (LDL, LDL) - the cholesterol carried by these lipoproteins is known as "bad" cholesterol.
  • High density lipoproteins (HDL, HDL) carry the so-called "good" cholesterol.

Cholesterol in the human body performs 4 main functions, without which a person could not exist:

  • It is part of the cell membrane.
  • Serves as a basis for the production of bile acids in the intestines.
  • Participates in development.
  • Provides the production of certain hormones: steroid sex hormones and corticosteroids.

Causes of high blood cholesterol

High cholesterol is a major risk factor for the development of myocardial infarction. Reducing the level of lipoproteins in the blood significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

High levels of LDL lead to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels, while HDL carries cholesterol to the liver for removal from the body. Plaque formation is part of a process that narrows the lumen of the arteries () and restricts blood flow.

High cholesterol is the result of modifiable, that is, modifiable, and non-modifiable risk factors. The two main risk factors, diet and physical activity, are highly modifiable, which means that the risk can be reduced and the likelihood of high cholesterol.

Limiting fat intake helps regulate cholesterol levels. In particular, it is necessary to limit the consumption of products that contain:

Meat, cheese and egg yolks are sources of cholesterol.
  • Cholesterol from animal products such as egg yolks, meat and cheese.
  • Saturated fats are found in some meats, dairy products, chocolate, baked goods, and deep-fried foods.
  • Trans fats are found in some fried and processed foods.

Being overweight or obese can also lead to higher LDL levels in the blood, so it's important to get enough time for physical activity.

The main causes of high cholesterol levels are genetic. High LDL levels are directly related to a family history of hypercholesterolemia.

Abnormal cholesterol levels can also have secondary causes:

  • Liver or kidney disease
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Pregnancy or other conditions that increase female hormone levels
  • Weak thyroid activity
  • Drugs that increase LDL and lower HDL: progestins, anabolic steroids, and corticosteroids.

Symptoms of high cholesterol

In itself, high cholesterol, in addition to being a risk factor for other diseases, does not have any signs or symptoms. If during routine blood tests, elevated cholesterol levels go unnoticed, then it carries a quiet threat of a heart attack and.


Elevated cholesterol levels can only be diagnosed through a blood test. Many experts advise checking cholesterol levels every 5 years for all people over the age of 20.

The cholesterol test is performed on an empty stomach, you should refrain from eating, drinking and drugs for 9-12 hours before the tests. Thus, LDL cholesterol readings will be more accurate.

Below are various cholesterol levels, which help determine an individual's risk of a heart attack.

LDL cholesterol

  • Optimal level: less than 100 mg/dL
  • Near optimal: 100-129 mg/dL
  • Upper limit: 130-159 mg/dl
  • High level: 160-189 mg/dL
  • Very high level: 190 mg/dl and above

total cholesterol

  • Desirable: Less than 200 mg/dL
  • Upper limit: 200 - 239 mg/dL
  • High level: 240 mg/dL or higher

HDL cholesterol

  • Low: 40 mg/dL
  • High Level: 60 mg/dL or higher

Currently, instead of prescribing numerous drugs to lower cholesterol, it is recommended to be guided by slightly different principles. Experts have identified 4 groups of patients who are likely to benefit from statin treatment to prevent primary and secondary cardiovascular disease:

  1. people with atherosclerosis.
  2. People with an LDL cholesterol level of more than 190 mg/dL and a family history of hypercholesterolemia.
  3. People aged 40 to 75 with diabetes and LDL cholesterol levels of 70-189 mg/dl without evidence of atherosclerosis.
  4. People with no evidence of CVD or diabetes but with an LDL cholesterol level of 70-189 mg/dL and a 10-year risk of atherosclerotic CVD greater than 7.5%.

Treatment and prevention of high cholesterol

For all people with high cholesterol, including those on medication, 4 lifestyle changes are recommended. These measures will reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction:

  1. Eat a heart-healthy diet. Avoid foods high in saturated fat, eat more vegetables, fruits, and fiber-rich foods.
  2. Regular physical activity.
  3. To give up smoking.
  4. Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.

Lipid-lowering therapy

Drug lipid-lowering therapy depends on the individual patient's cholesterol level and other risk factors. Statins are usually given to people at increased risk of heart attack when positive lifestyle changes don't work.

Cholesterol-lowering drugs such as statins are recommended based on total cardiovascular risk when cholesterol levels are between 130 and 190 mg/dL.

Statins, also known as inhibitors HMG-CoA reductases are the main group of cholesterol-lowering drugs. Other drugs are selective inhibitors of cholesterol absorption: fibrates, resins, niacin.

Examples of statins:

  • Atorvastatin (brand name Lipitor)
  • Fluvastatin (Leskol)
  • Lovastatin (Mevacor)
  • Pravastatin
  • Rosuvastatin calcium (Crestor)
  • Simvastatin (Zokor)

Safety of statins

The prescription of statins and their side effects have generated considerable controversy in the medical community in recent years. Undoubtedly, a large number of patients benefit greatly from the use of statins to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart attack, but at the same time, a significant number of these patients experience side effects from this group of drugs, including statin myopathy, fatigue, and the risk of developing diabetes. Studies have shown that about 10-15% of people using statins develop myopathy and myalgia.

Statins that work by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductases also negatively affect the body's production of coenzyme Q10, which is an important component of energy production in the muscles and brain. It is known that coenzyme Q10 is concentrated in the heart muscle, and with a low level of this antioxidant, the negative effect on the heart increases.

The effects of statins on the synthesis of coenzyme Q10 and vitamin D are associated with muscle pain and fatigue. Switching to another drug or making lifestyle changes to lower cholesterol may help alleviate statin myopathy and other unwanted effects of these drugs.

Ten year risk of heart attack

The level of cholesterol in the blood plays an important role in the likelihood of a heart attack over the next 10 years. There are various calculators that allow you to estimate the risk of cardiovascular diseases, based on several data:

  • Age
  • Blood cholesterol level
  • Smoking
  • Arterial pressure

Risk assessment allows you to manage your lifestyle and other cholesterol-lowering measures, and thereby reduce the chances of developing cardiovascular diseases that lead to heart attack and stroke.

Cholesterol in the blood: value, analysis and deviations from the norm, what to do with increased

Cholesterol in modern man is considered the main enemy, although a few decades ago it was not given such great importance. Being carried away by new, not so long ago invented products, often in their composition very far from those that our ancestors used, ignoring the diet, a person often does not understand that the main share of the blame for the excessive accumulation of cholesterol and its harmful fractions lies with himself. The “crazy” rhythm of life does not help to fight cholesterol, predisposing to disruption of metabolic processes and the deposition of excess fat-like substances on the walls of arterial vessels.

What is good and bad about it?

Constantly "scoldling" this substance, the people forget that it is necessary for a person, since it brings a lot of benefits. What is good about cholesterol and why it should not be excluded from our lives? So, its best features:

  • A secondary monohydric alcohol, a fat-like substance called cholesterol, in the free state, together with phospholipids, is part of the lipid structure of cell membranes and ensures their stability.
  • Cholesterol in the human body, breaking down, serves as a source of formation of hormones of the adrenal cortex (corticosteroids), vitamin D 3 and bile acids, which play the role of fat emulsifiers, that is, it is a precursor of highly active biological substances.

But on the other side Cholesterol can be the cause of various troubles:

Patients often discuss the bad properties of cholesterol among themselves, share experiences and recipes on how to lower it, but this can be useless if everything is done at random. To slightly reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood (again - what?) Diet, folk remedies and a new lifestyle aimed at improving health will help. To successfully resolve the issue, it is necessary not only to take total cholesterol as a basis in order to change its values, it is necessary to figure out which of the fractions should be lowered so that the others themselves return to normal.

How to decipher the analysis?

The norm of cholesterol in the blood should not exceed 5.2 mmol / l, however, even a concentration value approaching 5.0 cannot give complete confidence that everything is good in a person, since the content of total cholesterol is not an absolutely reliable sign of well-being. The normal level of cholesterol in a certain proportion is made up of different indicators, which cannot be determined without a special analysis called the lipid spectrum.

The composition of LDL cholesterol (atherogenic lipoprotein), in addition to LDL, includes very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) and "remnants" (the so-called residues from the reaction of the transition of VLDL to LDL). All this may seem very complicated, however, if you look at it, then anyone interested can master the decoding of the lipid spectrum.

Usually, when conducting biochemical analyzes for cholesterol and its fractions, the following are isolated:

  • Total cholesterol (normal up to 5.2 mmol / l or less than 200 mg / dl).
  • The main "vehicle" of cholesterol esters is low-density lipoprotein (LDL). They in a healthy person have their 60-65% of the total (or the level of cholesterol LDL (LDL + VLDL) does not exceed 3.37 mmol/l). In those patients who have already been affected by atherosclerosis, LDL-C values ​​may increase markedly, which occurs due to a decrease in the content of anti-atherogenic lipoproteins, that is, this indicator is more informative in relation to atherosclerosis than the level of total cholesterol in the blood.
  • high density lipoproteins(HDL cholesterol or HDL cholesterol), which normally women should have more than 1.68 mmol/l(for men, the lower limit is different - higher 1.3 mmol/l). In other sources, you can find somewhat different numbers (in women - above 1.9 mmol / l or 500-600 mg / l, in men - above 1.6 or 400-500 mg / l), it depends on the characteristics of the reagents and the methodology carrying out the reaction. If the level of HDL cholesterol becomes less than acceptable values, they cannot fully protect the vessels.
  • An indicator such as atherogenic coefficient, which indicates the degree of development of the atherosclerotic process, but is not the main diagnostic criterion, is calculated by the formula: CA \u003d (OH - HDL-C) : HDL-C, its normal values ​​range from 2-3.

Cholesterol tests do not require the isolation of all fractions separately. For example, VLDL can be easily calculated from the concentration using the formula (VLDL-C = TG: 2.2) or subtract the sum of high and very low density lipoproteins from total cholesterol and get LDL-C. Perhaps these calculations will not seem interesting to the reader, because they are given only for informational purposes (to have an idea about the components of the lipid spectrum). In any case, the doctor is engaged in decoding, he also makes the necessary calculations for the positions of interest to him.

More about blood cholesterol levels

Perhaps readers have come across information that the norm of cholesterol in the blood is up to 7.8 mmol / l. Then they can imagine what a cardiologist will say when they see such an analysis. Definitely - he will prescribe the entire lipid spectrum. Therefore, once again: a normal cholesterol level is an indicator up to 5.2 mmol/l(recommended values), borderline up to 6.5 mmol / l (risk of development!), And everything that is higher, respectively, elevated (cholesterol is dangerous in high numbers and, probably, the atherosclerotic process is in full swing).

Thus, the concentration of total cholesterol in the range of 5.2 - 6.5 mmol / l is the basis for a test that determines the level of cholesterol of anti-atherogenic lipoproteins (HDL-C). Analysis for cholesterol should be carried out after 2 to 4 weeks without abandoning the diet and the use of medications, testing is repeated every 3 months.

About the lower bound

Everyone knows and talks about high cholesterol, trying to reduce it by all available means, but almost never take into account the lower limit of normal. It's like she doesn't exist. Meanwhile, low blood cholesterol can be present and accompany quite serious conditions:

  1. Prolonged fasting until exhaustion.
  2. Neoplastic processes (depletion of a person and the absorption of cholesterol from his blood by a malignant neoplasm).
  3. Severe liver damage (the last stage of cirrhosis, dystrophic changes and infectious lesions of the parenchyma).
  4. Lung diseases (tuberculosis, sarcoidosis).
  5. Hyperthyroidism.
  6. (megaloblastic, thalassemia).
  7. Damage to the CNS (central nervous system).
  8. Prolonged fever.
  9. Typhus.
  10. Burns with significant damage to the skin.
  11. Inflammatory processes in soft tissues with suppuration.
  12. Sepsis.

As for the fractions of cholesterol, they also have lower limits. For example, lowering high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels beyond 0.9 mmol/l (antiatherogenic) accompanies risk factors for coronary artery disease(physical inactivity, bad habits, overweight,), that is, it is clear that people develop a tendency, because their vessels are not protected, because HDL becomes unacceptably low.

Low blood cholesterol, which is low-density lipoprotein (LDL), is observed in the same pathological conditions as total cholesterol (wasting, tumors, severe diseases of the liver, lungs, anemia, etc.).

Cholesterol in the blood is elevated

First, about the causes of high cholesterol, although, probably, they have already been known to everyone for a long time:

  • Our food and above all - products of animal origin (meat, whole fat milk, eggs, cheeses of various varieties), containing saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. The craze for chips and all sorts of fast, tasty, satisfying fast foods saturated with various trans fats also does not bode well. Conclusion: such cholesterol is dangerous and its consumption should be avoided.
  • Body mass- excess increases the level of triglycerides and reduces the concentration of high-density lipoproteins (anti-atherogenic).
  • Physical activity. Physical inactivity is a risk factor.
  • Age over 50 and male gender.
  • Heredity. Sometimes high cholesterol is a family problem.
  • Smoking not that it greatly increased total cholesterol, but it well reduces the level of the protective fraction (Cholesterol - HDL).
  • Taking certain medications(hormones, diuretics, beta-blockers).

Thus, it is not difficult to guess to whom the cholesterol test is prescribed in the first place.

Diseases with high cholesterol

Since so much has been said about the dangers of high cholesterol and the origin of such a phenomenon, then it would probably be useful to note under what circumstances this figure will increase, since they are also to some extent can cause high cholesterol in the blood:

  1. Hereditary disorders of metabolic processes (family variants due to metabolic disorders). As a rule, these are severe forms, characterized by early manifestation and special resistance to therapeutic measures;
  2. Cardiac ischemia;
  3. Various pathologies of the liver (hepatitis, jaundice of non-hepatic origin, obstructive jaundice, primary biliary cirrhosis);
  4. Severe kidney disease with renal failure and edema:
  5. Hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism);
  6. Inflammatory and neoplastic diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis, cancer);
  7. (it is difficult to imagine a diabetic without high cholesterol - this is, in general, a rarity);
  8. Pathological conditions of the pituitary gland with a decrease in the production of somatotropin;
  9. Obesity;
  10. Alcoholism (in alcoholics who drink, but do not eat, cholesterol is elevated, but atherosclerosis does not develop often);
  11. Pregnancy (the condition is temporary, the body will fix everything after the expiration date, but the diet and other prescriptions for a pregnant woman will not interfere).

Of course, in such situations, patients no longer think about how to lower cholesterol, all efforts are aimed at combating the underlying disease. Well, those who are still not so bad have a chance to save their vessels, but it will not work to return them to their original state.

Fight against cholesterol

As soon as a person learned about his problems in the lipid spectrum, studied the literature on the topic, listened to the recommendations of doctors and just knowledgeable people, his first desire is to lower the level of this harmful substance, that is, to start treating high cholesterol.

The most impatient people ask to immediately prescribe them medicines, others prefer to do without "chemistry". It should be noted that the opponents of drugs are right in many respects - you need to change yourself. To do this, patients switch to and become a little vegetarian in order to free their blood from “bad” components and prevent new ones from getting into fatty foods.

Food and cholesterol:

A person changes his way of thinking, he tries to move more, visits the pool, prefers outdoor activities, removes bad habits. For some people, the desire to lower cholesterol becomes the meaning of life, and they begin to actively engage in their health. And it is right!

What is needed for success?

Among other things, in search of the most effective remedy for cholesterol problems, many people are addicted to those formations that have already settled on the walls of the arteries and damage them in some places. Cholesterol is dangerous in a certain form (Cholesterol - LDL, Cholesterol - VLDL) and its harmfulness lies in the fact that it contributes to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of arterial vessels. Such activities (the fight against plaques) undoubtedly have a positive effect in terms of general cleansing, preventing excessive accumulation of harmful substances, and stopping the development of the atherosclerotic process. However, with regard to the removal of cholesterol plaques, the reader will have to be somewhat upset here. Once formed, they never go anywhere. The main thing is to prevent the formation of new ones, and this will already be a success.

When things go too far, folk remedies stop working, and the diet no longer helps, the doctor prescribes cholesterol-lowering drugs (most likely, these will be statins).

Difficult treatment

(lovastatin, fluvastatin, pravastatin, etc.), reducing the level of cholesterol produced by the patient's liver, reduce the risk of development (ischemic stroke) and, thereby, help the patient avoid death from this pathology. In addition, there are combined statins (Vitorin, Advicor, Kaduet), which not only reduce the amount of cholesterol produced in the body, but also perform other functions, for example, lower blood pressure, affect the ratio of "bad" and "good" cholesterol.

The likelihood of receiving drug therapy immediately after determining the lipid spectrum increases at patients with diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, problems with coronary vessels, since the risk of getting myocardial infarction is much higher.

In no case should you follow the advice of acquaintances, the World Wide Web and other dubious sources. Medicines of this group are prescribed only by a doctor! Statins are not always combined with other drugs that the patient is forced to constantly take in the presence of chronic diseases, so his independence will be absolutely inappropriate. In addition, during the treatment of high cholesterol, the doctor continues to monitor the patient's condition, monitors the lipid spectrum, supplements or cancels therapy.

Who is first in line for analysis?

It is hardly possible to expect a lipid spectrum in the list of priority biochemical studies used in pediatrics. An analysis for cholesterol is usually taken by people with some life experience, often male and well-fed physique, burdened by the presence of risk factors and early manifestations of the atherosclerotic process. Reasons for conducting appropriate tests include:

  • Cardiovascular diseases, and first of all - coronary heart disease (patients with coronary artery disease are more aware of the lipid profile than others);
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Increased content; (hyperuricemia);
  • The presence of bad habits in the form of smoking;
  • Obesity;
  • The use of corticosteroid hormones, diuretics, beta-blockers.
  • Treatment with cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins).

An analysis for cholesterol is taken on an empty stomach from a vein. On the eve of the study, the patient should adhere to a hypocholesterol diet and lengthen night fasting to 14-16 hours, however, the doctor will inform him about this.

The indicator of total cholesterol is determined in the blood serum after centrifugation, triglycerides too, but you will have to work on the sedimentation of fractions, this is a more time-consuming study, but in any case, the patient will know about its results by the end of the day. What to do next - the numbers and the doctor will tell you.

Video: what the tests say. Cholesterol

Far from medicine, people, having learned that they have high cholesterol, get scared.

After all, this substance is traditionally considered the culprit of all cardiovascular diseases - atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction.

For what reasons does the content of cholesterol in the blood increase, what does it mean and what it can threaten, what to do and how to treat if cholesterol in the blood is elevated? Is cholesterol really that bad for health?

There is a misconception that the lower the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, the better. Many patients, seeing in the form with the results of analyzes low indicators opposite the column "Cholesterol", sigh with relief. However, everything is not so simple.

Doctors explain that there is "bad" and "good" cholesterol. The first settles on the walls of the vessels, forming plaques and layers, and leads to a decrease in the lumen of the vessels. This substance is really hazardous to health.

"Good" cholesterol, on the contrary, cleanses the walls of blood vessels and transfers harmful substances to the liver for further processing.

The norm of this substance in the blood depends on the sex and age of the person:

Since high cholesterol does not make itself felt, should be tested annually.

Why are there high rates?

Most cholesterol (70%) is produced by the body. Therefore, increased production of this substance is usually associated with diseases of the internal organs. The following diseases lead to an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood:

  • diabetes;
  • liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • nephroptosis, renal failure;
  • diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis, malignant tumors);
  • hypertension;
  • thyroid disease.

But there are other factors that can affect the production of cholesterol:

  1. Genetic disorders. The metabolic rate and features of cholesterol processing are inherited from parents. If the father or mother had similar deviations, with a high probability (up to 75%) the child will face the same problems.
  2. Improper nutrition. With harmful products, only 25% of cholesterol enters the human body. But fatty foods (meat, pastries, sausages, cheeses, bacon, cakes) are very likely to go into the “bad” type. If a person does not want to have problems with cholesterol, he should follow a low-carbohydrate diet.
  3. Excess weight. It is still difficult to say whether excess weight really contributes to the improper processing of cholesterol. However, it has been proven that 65% of obese people have problems with "bad" cholesterol.
  4. Hypodynamia. Lack of physical activity leads to metabolic disorders in the body and stagnation of "bad" cholesterol. It is noticed that with an increase in physical activity, the level of this substance in the blood decreases rapidly.
  5. Uncontrolled intake of drugs. Hormonal drugs, corticosteroids, or beta-blockers may lead to a slight increase in blood cholesterol levels.
  6. Bad habits. Doctors say that people who drink alcohol and smoke several cigarettes a day often experience a strong increase in "bad" cholesterol and a decrease in "good".

A sharp increase in cholesterol is observed in women during menopause. These changes are associated with hormonal changes in the body. During menopause, women should be especially attentive to their own health.

Association with cardiovascular disease

Elevated cholesterol is a common cause of cardiovascular disease. Excess "bad" cholesterol deposited on the walls of blood vessels, reduces their clearance and contributes to the development of various pathologies.

Cholesterol increase leads to the development of the following diseases:

  • with a decrease in the lumen of the vessels or their complete blockage;
  • coronary heart disease with damage to the arteries;
  • myocardium when oxygen access to the heart muscle is interrupted due to blockage of the coronary artery by a thrombus;
  • due to insufficient saturation of the myocardium with oxygen;
  • with partial or complete blockage of the arteries supplying oxygen to the brain.

In the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the first step is to pass an analysis for cholesterol. Perhaps a decrease in its level will eliminate the cause of the disease and lead to a complete recovery.

Diagnosis, symptoms and additional research

Usually in a person with high cholesterol the following symptoms are observed:

  • light gray rim near the cornea of ​​​​the eye;
  • yellowish nodules on the skin of the eyelids;
  • angina;
  • weakness and pain in the lower extremities after exercise.

It is impossible to diagnose a deviation by external signs and symptoms. Sometimes they may be completely absent. Therefore, to determine the level of cholesterol you need to do a lipidogram - a blood test from a vein. It will show what is the level of total, "bad" and "good" cholesterol in the blood

More details about the lipidogram and its indicators are described in the video:

Making a diagnosis when a high level is detected

After determining the level of cholesterol, you need to contact a therapist. The doctor will examine the patient's medical record and determine whether he is at risk of acquiring vascular and heart diseases.

The risk of developing such diseases in people of the following categories is high:

  • with a significant excess of cholesterol;
  • with hypertension;
  • with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

If these abnormalities are found, the therapist will refer the patient to a cardiologist. In addition, the patient will have to undergo examinations by an endocrinologist and a gastroenterologist.

The endocrinologist will:

  • palpation of the thyroid gland;
  • blood test for hormones.

The gastroenterologist will prescribe:

  • Ultrasound of the liver and pancreas;
  • blood chemistry;
  • MRI or CT;
  • liver biopsy.

Only if a full examination is carried out will it be revealed true reason for rejection and given proper treatment.

Increase treatment tactics: how to lower the content of "bad" cholesterol

How to reduce the content of cholesterol in the blood and bring it to the normal level? To lower cholesterol levels, the patient will have to completely change their lifestyle and cure concomitant diseases. If the violation is associated with improper metabolism or nutritional errors, the patient will have to:

  • follow a low-carb or low-calorie diet;
  • avoid foods high in trans fats;
  • eat tomatoes, peas, carrots, nuts, garlic, fish;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • pay attention to the fight against excess weight;
  • devote at least an hour to sports training daily;
  • to refuse from bad habits.

Foods and dishes useful for maintaining and cleansing the body are listed in this video:

Usually diet and proper lifestyle is enough to bring cholesterol levels back to normal. But if there is a serious risk of developing cardiovascular disease, the doctor will prescribe medications to lower blood cholesterol - from the "bad" and to maintain the "good":

  1. Statins("Lovastatin", "Atorvastatin", "Rosuvastatin"). These drugs reduce the production of cholesterol in the liver.
  2. Vitamin B3(niacin). It reduces the production of "bad" cholesterol, but can damage the liver. Therefore, it should be taken under the supervision of a doctor or replaced with statins.
  3. Bile acid sequestrants("Colextran", "Cholestyramine"). These drugs affect the activity of bile acids produced by the liver. Since the building material for bile is cholesterol, with low acid activity, the liver is forced to process more of it.
  4. Absorption inhibitors("Ezetimaib"). These drugs interfere with the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine.
  5. Antihypertensive agents. These drugs do not lower cholesterol levels, but they help maintain heart and vascular health. These are diuretics, calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers.

Only statins can really help. Other medicines for lowering cholesterol in the blood are much less effective, and they have much more side effects.

Learn all about the use of statins in this educational video:

Fans of the treatment of folk remedies will be upset, but most folk remedies are completely useless in the fight against excess cholesterol. They can only be used as an adjunct to drug therapy and diet.

Elevated blood cholesterol levels are not a disease, but only a symptom of other disorders in the body. However, this deviation can lead to serious complications and diseases of the vessels and heart.

Useful video about what is cholesterol in the blood and how to get rid of it:

To normalize cholesterol levels, the patient will have to undergo a complete examination of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, as well as a study of the gastrointestinal tract. Only after identifying the real causes of high cholesterol in the blood can its level be brought back to normal.

High cholesterol is a health hazard. It is necessary to reduce it, since many methods have been developed for this purpose - conservative and folk.

cholesterol in the body

Cholesterol is a substance made up of fats which is essential for the functioning of the human body. Without cholesterol, the functioning of the cells of most tissues is impossible, because it is a component of their membranes. Also, the substance is part of the nervous tissue, helps to synthesize hormones and vitamins. It is a mistake to think that we get all the cholesterol from food. In fact, only 20% of it comes from outside, the other 80% is synthesized by the liver.

Formed daily in the body up to 5 g of fat-like substance, most of it is spent. With various disorders, hyperlipidemia occurs - the level of cholesterol rises, and it "travels" through the blood in the form of lipoproteins (compounds of proteins and lipids). They are of three types, the characteristics are reflected in the table.

Name Compound Fraction density, g/ml Particle size, nm Function
High density lipoproteins - "good" cholesterol Protein, phospholipids, cholesterol, few triglycerides. 1,064-1,200 8-11 Cleansing vessels from fat, transferring it to the liver and processing
Low density lipoproteins - "bad" cholesterol A lot of cholesterol, triglycerides, little protein, phospholipids 1,020-1,063 18-26 Delivery of cholesterol to different systems of the body, with an excess - deposition inside the vessels
Very low density lipoproteins Many triglycerides, minimal amount of protein, cholesterol, phospholipids 0,960-1,006 30-80 Transfer from the liver of all constituent fats, with an increase in the level affects the heart and coronary vessels

Reasons for high cholesterol

For men and women, the norm of cholesterol is less than 5.2 mmol / l. If it is elevated, there is a high risk of atherosclerosis - the accumulation of lipids on the inner lining of the arteries. Most often, its level rises after 50 years, when metabolic processes slow down. The indicator can remain consistently high even at a young age if there is a hereditary predisposition, familial or polygenic hyperlipidemia.

People with the following diseases and conditions are more likely to have high cholesterol levels:

  • kidney disease - renal failure, chronic glomerulonephritis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • various types of metabolic disorders, especially diabetes mellitus;
  • liver pathology - cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty degeneration;
  • diseases of the pancreas (tumors, pancreatitis);
  • hypothyroidism and other hormonal disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • obesity;
  • taking hormonal drugs.

There are also such causes of problems with cholesterol levels as smoking, alcoholism, lack of physical activity. High cholesterol in women, the causes and treatment of which have to be checked with a specialist, often comes from from the abuse of "hungry" diets, because metabolic processes suffer greatly from the lack of fat intake.

In men, overeating fatty foods and bad habits are the main provocateurs of high cholesterol levels.

Signs of abnormal lipid levels

Actually, high cholesterol in the blood does not give symptoms, but its long existence leads to the development of a number of unpleasant signs and complications. So, a person can notice such changes in his body:

  1. pain in the heart, tachycardia, regular angina attacks;
  2. damage to the vessels of the legs, pain in the legs, heaviness and fatigue;
  3. shortness of breath, exercise intolerance;
  4. yellow spots on the whites of the eyes, moderate yellowing of the skin.

If signs appear, it is necessary to go to the doctor and undergo a laboratory diagnosis of the state of lipid metabolism. If you do not find out the causes of high cholesterol for a long time, how to reduce this figure, complications may develop.

An increase in bad cholesterol is fraught with consequences such as atherosclerosis of the vessels of the heart, brain. Against the background of narrowing of the arteries, coronary heart disease develops, a heart attack is possible. If the cholesterol plaque breaks off, the risk of stroke is high.

To normalize the level of lipids, various drug, non-drug methods are used, as well as treatment with folk remedies. It is important to give up bad habits, start practicing physical activity. By the way, alcohol only when abused becomes a risk factor for hyperlipidemia. In small quantities, dry red wine even lowers cholesterol, but not everyone can consume it.

The first thing the doctor will advise when identifying abnormalities in the analyzes is a change in lifestyle.

Physical exercises will help the body to lower the risen cholesterol, normalize body weight. It turns out that playing sports removes fats that come with food, do not allow them to linger in the blood and settle on the vessels. It is those who play sports from a young age that have a very low risk of developing atherosclerosis. Even regular exercises in the morning and feasible exercises at home help to strengthen muscles and blood vessels, preventing lipids from reducing their elasticity and strength.

high cholesterol diet

Simply replacing black tea with green tea helps reduce harmful lipoproteins by 15%. From the same drink, the level of good cholesterol increases, therefore, the protection of blood vessels increases. There are a number of other products that must be in the human diet - thanks to them, triglycerides will not have a chance to accumulate in the body:

  1. Omega 3-9 fatty acids. There are many of them in fish, vegetable oils, nuts. Only 10-20 g of almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts per day, and the vessels will begin to work more efficiently.
  2. Vegetables, fruits, any plant food. The abundance of fiber helps to cope with fats, prevents them from depositing in the arteries.
  3. Whole grain cereals. They work similarly to vegetables and fruits, remove excess fat, acting like a sponge.

Refuse food should be from fried foods, fast food, fatty meats, cheeses, too fatty dairy products. It is not necessary to completely exclude meat - without proteins, the body will suffer, as a result, metabolic disorders will occur.

Medicines to normalize cholesterol

In some cases, a simple change in diet and the introduction of physical activity into the lifestyle with excess lipids in the blood will not cope. Then the person is prescribed the intake of special drugs. Most often they are statins, their intake should be long and continuous.

Statins in the body reduce the production of enzymes that are involved in the production of cholesterol. A full course of statins reduces the risk of heart attack, angina pectoris, and cardiac ischemia.

It has been proven that drinking fresh juices, both vegetable and fruit, is important in the fight against hyperlipidemia.

Good cholesterol against the background of such treatment increases, while these drugs do not carry a carcinogenic or mutagenic effect. However, statins are not a panacea, and their side effects can affect the function of the reproductive, nervous system. The most popular drugs from the statin group are as follows:

  • crestor;
  • rosuvastin;
  • mertenil;
  • choletar;
  • cardiostatin;
  • atomax;
  • vasilip;
  • owencor.

All drugs in this group are divided into drugs of 4 generations. The first includes funds based on lovastatin, pravastatin, simvastatin. With a long course, in parallel with lowering cholesterol, they remove vascular spasm, treat hypertension. Second-generation drugs are based on fluvastatin, but it is not popular among medical prescriptions due to the presence of side effects. The third generation atorvastatin tablets are safe and very often recommended for patients. Fourth-generation drugs with rosuvastatin are expensive, but are well tolerated by patients and have virtually no side effects and complications.

As an alternative to statins, preparations based on Omega-3 acids, the drug Tykveol from pumpkin seeds, drugs with lipoic acid, vitamin complexes, squalene, amaranth oil can serve.

Folk methods for lowering cholesterol

To normalize the level of lipids in the body, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Mix a glass of fresh honey with a glass of dill seeds, add powdered valerian root (a tablespoon) to the mass. Pour this mixture with 1 liter of boiling water, leave on the table for a day. After storing the infusion in the refrigerator, drink it daily in a tablespoon three times / day. The course is a month.
  2. Add to food three times a day, a teaspoon of flax seeds. You can use them for no longer than a month.
  3. Dressing all salads with cold-pressed corn oil - it effectively reduces bad cholesterol.
  4. Buy linden flowers, grind them into powder. Brew a teaspoon of linden in a glass of boiling water, take the remedy twice / day for half a glass for 21 days.

Prevention of hyperlipidemia

Having lowered cholesterol in the blood, it is important to further maintain it at the proper level.. To do this, you need to follow a number of simple preventive measures. It has been proven that stress increases fat levels and changes fat metabolism, so you need to exclude unnecessary experiences, with prolonged stress, take special preparations, herbal preparations based on valerian, motherwort, hop cones and other herbs.

Proper nutrition must be maintained even with normal cholesterol in order for the body to work in the right mode. Animal fats should be limited, but not completely eliminated, so that everything is in balance. Smoking cessation, feasible physical activity, exclusion of the abuse of strong drinks and beer will also be a step towards health. You should regularly take an analysis for cholesterol and, if necessary, consult a doctor.


Changing a few small but bad habits can change the quality of life and dramatically affect the level of health. Understand what factors lead to elevated blood cholesterol levels and what these test data indicate. You will also learn what needs to be done to normalize this indicator.

Main causes of high cholesterol

The content of a certain amount of this natural fat-like substance in the human body is normal. This “harmful” molecule plays an important role for the proper functioning of the immune and nervous systems, is involved in the production of hormones, vitamin D. When cholesterol in the blood rises, this clearly indicates health disorders that need to be paid serious attention. The accumulation of the substance leads to atherosclerosis. Cholesterol plaques form on the walls of blood vessels, often leading to heart attacks and strokes.

Most of the fat-like substance - about 80% - is produced directly in the body. Sometimes the causes of high cholesterol can be hereditary and can be explained by a genetic predisposition. However, even in this case, the decisive factor, whether this indicator will exceed the norm, will depend on the way of life of a person. A change from a normal level to a high level can be the result of diseases, for example:

  • diabetes;
  • some liver diseases;
  • thyroid problems;
  • as a result of long-term drug use.

According to medical statistics, in most cases, the sick themselves lead to this condition. So, the group of patients who, due to their daily habits, are at risk of getting high cholesterol levels include people:

  • regularly overeating, in the diet of which there is a lot of fatty, sweet food;
  • overweight, and people who have more fat on their stomachs are especially susceptible to high cholesterol: men with a waist circumference of more than 90, and women - over 80 cm;
  • smokers and alcohol abusers;
  • leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • subject to frequent stress.

What does high blood cholesterol mean?

Normal cholesterol values ​​determined in medical practice differ depending on the sex and age group to which the person belongs. At a young age, an increased rate is more common in men. Upon reaching the menopause, the chances of women getting such unpleasant changes in the body increase. Due to the severe consequences for the cardiovascular system, doctors recommend paying attention to the causes of high cholesterol and trying to avoid them, and over the age of 20, take control tests every 5 years.


If laboratory data show the level of this substance is more than 5.2 mmol / l, it's time to think about the causes of high total cholesterol, because an alarm bell has already sounded for the health of your body. After receiving such results, doctors prescribe an additional analysis - a lipidogram. The study will reveal what ratio of "bad" and "good" fat-like substance is present in the blood.

The first type includes low-density lipoproteins - LDL, they cause atherosclerotic transformations. Up to a certain point, the body itself struggles with such negative changes. This work is done by high-density lipoproteins - HDL, which are called "good" cholesterol. They remove plaque and are then oxidized in the liver and excreted by the excretory system. If there are more and more harmful particles due to their large intake with food or due to other permissible excesses, the body itself cannot cope, and the person begins to get sick.

LDL-cholesterol is elevated

It is very important to think about the causes of high bad cholesterol if the lipid profile shows a high level of low density lipoproteins. This fraction of the substance, settling on the walls of the arteries, forms plaques. Such formations, if no action is taken to reduce them and prevent the appearance of new ones, lead to blockage of blood vessels and thrombosis. When LDL cholesterol is elevated, a person already has a high risk of a heart attack or cerebral hemorrhage - conditions that threaten disability, paralysis, and even death.

What to do if your blood cholesterol is high

The very first recommendation if you need to lower your cholesterol is to find a good doctor whom you can fully trust and follow all his recommendations. It is difficult to cope with such a serious problem on your own, because changes can be effectively controlled only by the results of blood tests. It is better to reduce high cholesterol gradually, so that the plaques formed will remain stable, their rupture and clogging of blood vessels will be prevented. A qualified specialist will help you choose the optimal treatment and prevention regimen.

You will need to remove the causes of high cholesterol, because the most effective and expensive treatment will not help if lifestyle changes are not made:

  1. If your weight exceeds the norm, normalize it with the help of feasible, but regular physical activity.
  2. Forget about bad nutrition. Include more grains, fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, and fatty fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids.
  3. Learn to deal with stress, because we often eat worries with goodies that are not useful in the long run.

High cholesterol during pregnancy

Such changes in the female body when carrying a child are acceptable. The level of this fat-like substance during pregnancy can rise to twice the norm observed in women of the same age. This is because cholesterol is necessary for the formation of the placenta, it is involved in the production of the hormones necessary for its creation. If the indicator of this substance crossed the indicated two-fold milestone, such an elevated level can cause problems in the development of the baby's cardiovascular system. Expectant mothers need to avoid causes that provoke cholesterol jumps.

Video: Diet for high cholesterol in women

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