What to do with sunstroke or heat stroke, providing proper care at home. Sunstroke in a child and an adult Can the temperature rise from sunstroke

Sun and heat stroke are conditions in the development of which it is necessary to immediately begin to provide assistance to the victim, since there is a direct threat to his life. These conditions occur most often in the spring and summer, when the activity of the sun increases several times. Many people claim that both sunstroke and heatstroke are the same condition, but they are not. They have some differences.

Heatstroke is a whole symptom complex that occurs in a person due to severe overheating of his body. The essence of this process is that due to the influence of high temperature, the mechanisms of heat generation are accelerated, but the heat transfer process is reduced. Heat stroke can occur as a result of the influence of high temperature, for example, in a bathhouse, a hot shop, and so on.

Sunstroke is a type of heatstroke that is diagnosed most often in the summer. This condition develops due to prolonged exposure of the human body to direct sunlight. With the development of sunstroke, the vessels in the head expand and because of this, blood flow to this area increases. More often this condition develops in children.

Heatstroke is considered a more dangerous condition, since in rare cases the patient himself associates his poor health with the fact that his body has overheated. Many doctors begin to diagnose in order to detect pathologies of the heart, blood vessels or gastrointestinal tract and begin to treat another pathology, but in fact he has developed a violation of thermoregulation.

The reasons

The first signs of heat stroke begin to appear in a person due to such reasons:

  • prolonged stay of a person in conditions of elevated temperature, in which there is not sufficient air conditioning;
  • sunstroke develops due to prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  • poor adaptability of the human body to temperature changes. Often, heat stroke can develop with a sharp change in climatic conditions;
  • in children, this condition can also develop due to excessive wrapping.

Factors that increase the risk of progression of heat and sunstroke:

  • increased weather sensitivity;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • presence or history;
  • excess body weight;
  • increased air humidity;
  • the use of diuretics;
  • drinking a small amount of fluid (normal for a healthy person - 2-3 liters per day);
  • poisoning the body with alcohol or drugs;
  • taking medications;
  • wearing synthetic or rubberized clothing.

Development mechanism

Normal thermoregulation occurs at a temperature of 37 degrees (an error of +/- 1.5 degrees is acceptable). If there is a change in external conditions, then the heat transfer mechanism is also violated, and such pathological reactions are included:

  • compensation stage. In the case of its development, the human body can still cope with overheating;
  • compensatory reactions that develop against the background of overheating disrupt the mechanism of thermoregulation;
  • if the thermal factor is not eliminated, then the body temperature will begin to rise rapidly;
  • stage of decompensation;
  • the last stage is the development of acidosis,. The consequences of sunstroke are deplorable - the nutrition of the brain completely stops.


The severity of symptoms of sun and heat stroke depends on the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant pathologies. Symptoms of heat stroke in children are the same as in adults, only in children they will be more pronounced. The only symptom that is more typical for children is the occurrence of nosebleeds.

Heat stroke symptoms:

  • the skin is hyperemic, but when touched, its coldness can be noted. In some cases, a bluish tint may appear;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • confusion;
  • dyspnea;
  • drowsiness (especially pronounced in children);
  • pupil dilation;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • urinary retention;
  • temperature rise to high numbers (up to 40 degrees);
  • gait becomes wobbly.

In severe cases, convulsions and loss of consciousness join these signs of heat stroke.

The symptoms of sunstroke are identical to those of heatstroke. But at the same time, a person clearly indicates that he has been under the sun's rays for a long time. It is worth noting that usually the patient has redness and swelling of the skin. It hurts when touched.

Symptoms of sunstroke in children are more pronounced, since it is young children who are the most difficult to tolerate overheating. They may become moody or completely lethargic, refusing to take food. It is worth noting that a child can develop sun or heat stroke even if the baby stays in conditions of high temperature for only 15 minutes! This is due to the fact that the mechanisms of thermoregulation have not yet been fully formed.

Clinicians distinguish 4 forms of heat stroke in a child or adult:

  • cerebral. There are convulsions and clouding of consciousness, up to its complete loss;
  • asphyxia. The functions of the central nervous system are significantly slowed down;
  • gastroenteric. The patient has vomiting and nausea;
  • pyretic. In this case, the human body temperature rises to 40–41 degrees.


Timely first aid for heat stroke plays an extremely important role in preventing the development of various violations of thermoregulation. It is worth paying attention that if you do not properly help a person, then the consequences of heat stroke can be deplorable. In the case of the development of a severe stage, even a lethal outcome is possible.

First aid for heat stroke includes the following activities:

  • The first thing to do is to eliminate the thermal factor. The victim is put in the shade, brought into the room, etc.;
  • be sure to call an ambulance. Even if the general condition of a person is assessed as satisfactory. A doctor's examination is necessary to exclude the possibility of developing adverse effects of heat stroke;
  • if the patient is unconscious, it is necessary to give him a sniff of ammonia;
  • provide air access;
  • remove clothing that only increases body temperature;
  • cover the victim with a damp cloth;
  • cold compresses are applied to the forehead and back of the head;
  • give a cold drink.

If timely assistance is not provided, then the consequences of sunstroke can be quite dangerous:

  • brain disorders;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • disruption of the CNS.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Inflammation of the lungs (officially pneumonia) is an inflammatory process in one or both respiratory organs, which is usually infectious in nature and is caused by various viruses, bacteria and fungi. In ancient times, this disease was considered one of the most dangerous, and although modern treatments allow you to quickly and without consequences get rid of the infection, the disease has not lost its relevance. According to official figures, in our country every year about a million people suffer from pneumonia in one form or another.

As you know, the respiratory function of the body is one of the main functions of the normal life of the body. The syndrome, in which the balance of blood components is disturbed, and to be more precise, the concentration of carbon dioxide greatly increases and the volume of oxygen decreases, is called "acute respiratory failure", it can also go into a chronic form. How does the patient feel in this case, what symptoms may bother him, what signs and causes of this syndrome - read below. Also from our article you will learn about diagnostic methods and the most modern methods of treating this disease.

Cerebral edema is a dangerous condition characterized by excessive accumulation of exudate in the tissues of the organ. As a result, its volume gradually increases and intracranial pressure increases. All this leads to a violation of the circulation of blood in the body and to the death of its cells.

Sunstroke is a form of heatstroke that occurs when exposed to sunlight. It can be provoked by prolonged exposure to the scorching sun (work, walks, sports). In this case, there is a feeling of weakness, drowsiness and lethargy, headache, nausea, dizziness, a sharp increase in body temperature, disturbances in the functioning of the heart, an increase or decrease in blood pressure. Conservative therapy is used to treat and eliminate symptoms - the victim must be cooled and protected from direct sunlight, and also given plain water to drink. However, in severe cases, emergency medical attention may be required.

Description of this lesion

Sunstroke is a brain disorder caused by severe overheating of the head under direct sunlight. It differs from thermal in that it causes only the head to overheat, and not the whole body. That is why it is possible to suffer from it even at low air temperatures, but while being under the scorching sun. Sun damage can develop at any age and regardless of gender. The disease is most dangerous for children, the elderly and patients suffering from certain chronic ailments.

What is dangerous?

Sunstroke leads to violations of sweating and blood circulation (including cerebral) due to vasodilation, as well as a lack of oxygen in the tissues. The nervous and cardiovascular systems suffer more than others from overheating, cardiac arrest, coma and even death are possible. That is why it is very important to recognize the lesion in a timely manner and provide the necessary assistance for both heat and sunstroke.

Reasons for development

The disease is caused by direct exposure to sunlight when the sun is at its zenith. At this time, the rays are minimally scattered and almost at a right angle fall on the surface of the earth. The direct causes of sunstroke are most often work, active physical exercise and outdoor recreation in sunny weather, being on the beach at lunchtime (from 10 to 15 hours). The risk of damage increases in stuffy calm weather, in the absence of a hat, non-compliance with the drinking regime, taking vasodilator drugs and drinking alcohol, and overeating. Patients suffering from hypertension, VVD, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and overweight are more susceptible to the development of pathology than others.

First aid for sunstroke is very important. More on this later.

How does pathology occur?

Under the influence of direct sunlight falling on the head, there is a strong increase in the temperature of the brain. This provokes swelling of the membranes. At the same time, blood pressure increases, the vessels of the brain expand, ruptures of small vessels can occur. The normal work of vital centers responsible for respiratory and cardiac activity is hindered. Against this background, both acute and delayed pathological changes can develop. Signs of sunstroke need to be identified in a timely manner.

For severe injuries

In severe lesions, there is a high risk of developing asphyxia, acute heart failure, heart attack, and extensive cerebral bleeding. After some time, serious disturbances in the functioning of the brain may appear, in particular sensory, conductive and reflex functions. Also among the delayed effects are headaches, impaired coordination, neurological problems, diseases of the cardiovascular system, visual impairment.

Sunstroke symptoms

The symptomatology of the pathology and its severity are directly related to the duration of exposure to the scorching sun, the intensity of light, the age and state of health of the victim. Common signs of damage are weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, dry mouth and thirst, increasing headache, lethargy and drowsiness. Ophthalmic manifestations are also possible, for example, double vision or flickering of "flies" in the eyes, darkening, inability to focus the gaze. The temperature increases, redness of the face. Blood pressure may rise or, conversely, fall, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Without the necessary assistance, the condition can worsen significantly, up to loss of consciousness and coma.

Degrees of illness

Depending on the severity of symptoms, three degrees of severity of sunstroke are distinguished.

  1. Mild degree is characterized by general weakness, headache, nausea, tachycardia, rapid breathing and dilated pupils.
  2. The average degree is characterized by an increasing headache, unsteady gait, increased breathing and heart rate, nausea and vomiting, impaired coordination of movements, severe muscle weakness and lethargy. It is also possible to bleed from the nose and lose consciousness, while the body temperature is greatly increased (38-40 degrees).
  3. With the most dangerous - severe - degree of sunstroke, a sudden change in consciousness occurs, hallucinations, tonic and clonic convulsions, uncontrolled urination, fever up to 41-42 degrees, coma.

It is especially important to timely notice the characteristic signs of overheating in a child. Symptoms of heat and sunstroke in young children may differ from the usual manifestations of pathology in an adult, which is explained by the underdevelopment of the thermoregulation system, weak protective functions and increased sensitivity of the scalp to heat exposure. Most often, children experience sudden drowsiness and lethargy, less often irritability. Perspiration is noticeable on the face, nausea and vomiting occur, the temperature rises rapidly. In severe cases, fainting, heart failure and respiratory arrest are possible.

First aid for sunstroke

The first thing to do to help the victim is to take or (in case of loss of consciousness) transfer him to a cool, shady place with good airflow and lay him down. The victim's head should be turned to one side, especially if nausea and vomiting are present. This is necessary so that a person does not choke on his own vomit. Compresses soaked in cool water should be applied to the face and neck. You can also spray the victim with water to cool down. You can not use too cold water and ice for this, since a sharp temperature drop is dangerous for the body and can provoke vasospasm.

A conscious person can drink plenty of salted water to replenish the water and electrolyte balance. Non-carbonated mineral water is well suited for this purpose. In case of fainting, a cotton swab moistened with ammonia is used. If there is no improvement in the condition, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible.

In case of sunstroke in a child, an elderly person or suffering from severe chronic diseases, an ambulance should be called immediately. Even if the condition of the victim returned to normal.

What is the medical care for sunstroke?

medical treatment

Professional medical assistance is necessary first of all to restore the vital functions of the body. Artificial respiration may be required. To normalize the water-salt balance, intravenous injections of sodium chloride solution are used. In case of heart failure and suffocation, subcutaneous administration of caffeine is required. Drugs are used to lower blood pressure. In case of severe damage and severe symptoms, hospitalization is necessary with a full range of resuscitation, including pulmonary intubation, intravenous injections, stimulation of cardiac activity.

Contacting a doctor

After suffering a sunstroke, even a mild one, you should consult a doctor in order to timely detect possible dangerous consequences and exclude the latent course of chronic ailments that could provoke the development of such a pathology. In the next few days, you should limit your exposure to the heat, especially in cloudless weather, reduce physical activity, otherwise the risk of recurrence of sun or heat stroke increases. It is desirable to observe rest and bed rest, which will allow the body to normalize the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems and restore blood counts.


Preventive measures depend on the state of human health, age, weather conditions and many other factors. There are general recommendations, following which you can significantly reduce the risk of developing sunstroke. When outdoors on a sunny day, protect your head from direct sunlight with a hat, panama or scarf in light shades. It is also recommended to wear light-colored clothing made from natural fabrics (such as cotton or linen). You should not go out in the sun during its greatest activity, that is, from 10 am to 4 pm.

If you still need to stay in the sun, you need to periodically rest and "cool down" in the shade, drink enough fluids (at least one glass every hour). It is best to quench your thirst with plain clean water or unsalted mineral water.

But it is better to refuse sweet carbonated drinks and packaged juices, as well as coffee, strong tea and alcohol. It is also important to monitor the amount of food, since overeating in the heat additionally burdens the body. It is advisable to take a cool shower on a hot day, or at least wet your face and hands with water.

We looked at first aid for heat and sunstroke.


Health 19.07.2017

Dear readers, the long-awaited summer has come, which we so dreamed about in the cold season. We are in a hurry to enjoy being outdoors: we go on various trips, go to the forest, relax in the country or near the water. But very often, due to our carelessness, we forget elementary precautions, the failure to comply with which can lead to serious health problems.

Today we will talk about sunstroke - what it is, what are the causes of its occurrence, what are the symptoms, what should be done at the first sign of it. We will also discuss with you what recommendations you need to follow in order to completely avoid sunstroke.

What is sunstroke

Sunstroke is a type of heat stroke that develops as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun on the uncovered surface of the head.

Sunstroke usually occurs during the hot season during prolonged exposure to direct scorching sunlight on the unprotected head. But it can also happen at a relatively low temperature, for example, in the mountains, when there are conditions for overheating the head in the sun.

A distinctive feature of sunstroke from heat stroke is that only the head is exposed to overheating, and not the whole body.

Why is sunstroke dangerous?

Most of us treat such a phenomenon as a sunstroke rather lightly. Let's look at what happens in the body with such exposure in order to understand whether it is worth worrying about this or not.

Due to prolonged exposure to sunlight on the head, overheating of all parts of the brain occurs, the cooling and sweating systems are disrupted. The vessels expand, an increased volume of blood enters the brain, it stagnates, blood pressure rises (in some cases, the pressure may decrease). There are swelling of the brain, which compress it, which is why a hemorrhage in the brain (stroke) is possible, the supply of oxygen to all organs of the body is disrupted.

As a result of all of the above, damage occurs to the nerve centers of the brain responsible for important vital functions of the body: first of all, the central nervous system suffers, as well as the vascular, respiratory, etc.

In especially severe cases, severe disorders of the vital functions of the whole organism occur, an extensive cerebral hemorrhage occurs, acute cardiovascular failure, a person falls into a coma, and cardiac arrest and death are also possible.

Even if a person has suffered moderate sunstroke without tangible disturbances in the functioning of the body, chronic headaches, difficulty in coordinating movements, visual impairment, diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc. can occur in the future. Serious consequences include violations of individual brain functions, such as reflex, sensory, conductive.

So is it worth worrying about the danger of getting sunstroke or not?

A few more statistics for clarity. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, 60,000 people die from sunstroke every year. I think these numbers speak better than any words about how dangerous this condition can be.

Heat stroke and sunstroke are dangerous conditions that, without timely help, directly threaten human health and life.

Symptoms of sunstroke in adults

The presence of certain symptoms of sunstroke, as well as their severity, depends on the intensity of solar radiation, the level of humidity in the air, and the time spent in direct sunlight.

Doctors distinguish three degrees of development of sunstroke, in which the following symptoms occur:

  • mild degree- general weakness, headache, nausea, increased heart rate (tachycardia) and respiration, dilated pupils, loss of coordination;
  • average degree- severe adynamia, severe headache with nausea and vomiting, feeling of stupor, dizziness, uncertainty of movements, unsteady gait, semi-fainting / fainting state, increased heart rate and respiration, nosebleeds, fever up to 38-40 ° C;
  • severe degree comes suddenly - there is confusion, hallucinations, delirium, convulsions, involuntary excretion of urine and feces, an increase in body temperature to 41-42 ° C, coma and death are possible. Mortality from this degree of sunstroke reaches 20-30%.

Symptoms and signs of sunstroke in children

  • Increased irritability;
  • lethargy - the child loses interest in everything he was doing, weakness appears;
  • elevated body temperature.

I repeat once again that children should be very attentive! If you see something wrong with your child, take action right away! We will talk about them a little lower.

Causes of sunstroke

In addition to direct and prolonged exposure to the sun on the surface of the head unprotected by a headdress, there are a number of factors provoking the occurrence of sunstroke. Let's take a look at them.

First of all, young children (especially under one year old) and the elderly suffer from this painful condition, since thermoregulation in the first case has not yet been established, and in the second it is already weakly performing its functions. Also at risk are people suffering from serious chronic diseases, such as vegetative-vascular dystonia, heart disease, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, endocrine disorders, CNS diseases, etc.

The next provoking factor is the air temperature above 30˚С and / or high humidity of the environment, as well as increased physical activity or hard physical work.

People with overweight (obesity), in the stage of alcohol or drug intoxication, with nervous tension and in a stressful state are also at risk of getting sunstroke.

Taking certain medications, such as central nervous system stimulants, antiallergic drugs, etc., as well as a lack of fluid in the body, smoking, and excess clothing on the body, can also lead to sunstroke.

First aid for sunstroke

When we encounter such a painful condition, we first of all ask ourselves the question: how to help a person correctly, what to do with a sunstroke? And you should act immediately and confidently, because the health and life of a person depends on it.

We transfer to the shade and properly lay the victim

The very first thing to do is to move the victim to the shade, ideally it should be a room with a comfortable air temperature and normal humidity.

Lay it down by raising your legs slightly at the ankles. To do this, you can use folded things or a bag. If a person is vomiting, then his head must be turned to the side so that he does not choke on vomit. In case of loss of consciousness, the mouth should be released to restore normal breathing.

When providing first aid for sunstroke, do not raise the head of the victim! Raise only the legs above the level of the head.

Provide air circulation

Provide good air circulation. To do this, use an air conditioner, a fan, or open windows and doors, thus creating a draft. If this is not possible, then fan the victim with a newspaper or a damp towel. Also free the space around from people.

We release from squeezing clothes

Release the patient from squeezing clothes, belts, etc. Unbutton the shirt, blouse on the chest. If the clothes are dense, synthetic or rubberized, then we take them off completely. With a large amount of clothing, you should also remove part of it or all of it.

Cool compresses

We apply cool (room temperature), but not cold (not ice!) Compresses on the back of the head, forehead and neck. Ice and cold water should not be used, as in this case, the temperature contrast creates an additional burden on the body and can aggravate the condition. Wet your face with cool water.

Pat a piece of cloth (towel) soaked in cool water on the chest. In a serious condition, the whole body is doused with water at room temperature or wrapped in a wet sheet.

Ear massage and ammonia

It is good to massage the ears. They have many active points. Massage intensively!

If a person is unconscious, then we bring a cotton swab (10-15 cm) dipped in ammonia to his nose. Good rub and whiskey.

Give the victim water to drink

Then the patient should be given to drink cool mineral water without gas or ordinary water, in which salt is dissolved on the tip of a teaspoon. This will ensure the restoration of the water-salt balance of the body.

As a rule, these actions are enough to normalize the condition of the victim. Otherwise, you should urgently call an ambulance.

Before the arrival of doctors, if necessary, perform artificial respiration and chest compressions until breathing and pulse appear.

Should I call an ambulance?

Many people ask the question: should I call an ambulance when a sunstroke occurs. Here, the opinions of experts differ: some believe that this should be done in any case, others - that it is worth resorting to this only in a state of moderate and severe degree.

Rather, here it can be argued as follows - if a young healthy person was injured and the impact was light, then there is no need to call an ambulance. If the injured child, an elderly person or suffering from any chronic diseases, then an ambulance should be called in any case, even if the patient's condition has returned to normal!

It would not be superfluous after suffering a blow of any severity to consult with your doctor or a specialist you trust in order to avoid the development of possible hidden negative consequences of this condition.

I suggest watching a video about the symptoms and first aid for sunstroke.

How to behave after suffering a sunstroke?

After a sunstroke, doctors advise rest and bed rest for one to two days to restore the function of the nervous and circulatory systems, as well as the level of metabolic processes. You should continue to drink cool water in sufficient quantities. The temperature in the room where the patient is located should be comfortable, and the room itself should be well ventilated.

Meals should be light, food at room temperature or warm, but not hot.

Prevention of sunstroke

Finally, let's look at measures to help prevent sunstroke.

In hot weather, be sure to wear a hat, preferably in light shades, as they reflect sunlight better. When choosing clothes, opt for natural non-dense material, also in light colors. Such clothes will allow the skin to breathe.

Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Remember that the sun is especially active from 12.00 to 16.00 (adjusted for local features). At this time, it is better not to go outside, and if this is not possible, then stick to the shade.

When working under the scorching rays of the sun, if it is not possible to postpone it for another time, take frequent breaks, which you spend in a shady, cool place with good air circulation.

Start visiting the beach with 15-20-minute sunbathing, which is gradually brought up to two hours, but MANDATORY with breaks.

It is better to sunbathe not lying down, but in motion, alternating with swimming and not earlier than an hour after eating. Do not forget about an umbrella preferably in light colors, dark glasses and sunscreen. About,

What could be better than sunny weather that kindly invites you to the beach or a picnic? Reluctantly deny yourself the pleasure of soaking up the warm rays of the sun. But a couple of summer waiting can play a cruel joke on you and pose a threat to your health.

Sunstroke is a serious test of your body. Many felt the impact of this unpleasant phenomenon on themselves. But what to do in case of sunstroke? How to determine the degree of threat? And what kind of assistance should be provided to the victim?

Sunstroke symptoms

Sunstroke is a painful condition that comes with certain symptoms. Their correct analysis will allow you to determine the degree and complexity of the course of sunstroke.

Signs of sunstroke in adults

The consequence of sunstroke is the decompensation of sweating. In other words, this is an imbalance in the work of the sweat glands and blood supply. Due to the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the vessels, they tend to expand, so the blood flow becomes dynamic, and metabolic processes work at a normal pace. This leads to overheating of the body.

Sunstroke has its own degree of damage, in order to determine it, you should listen to your symptoms.

Light degree and these symptoms:

  1. Headache
  2. Dryness and redness of the skin
  3. Weakness
  4. Rapid and loud heartbeat

These symptoms are not dangerous and do not pose a threat to health. They almost always go away on their own.

With an average degree Added to the above symptoms are:

  1. Nausea
  2. lethargy

Such effects of sunstroke in adults require a medical examination and follow-up care.

With severe degree the symptoms are not as typical as those mentioned above. Severe sunstroke varies from person to person. If the patient has some of the symptoms listed below, you may be diagnosing severe sunstroke.

  1. Body temperature from 40˚ and above
  2. hearing loss
  3. Low pressure (up to 140 beats per minute)
  4. convulsions
  5. Arrhythmic (intermittent) breathing

This condition poses a serious threat to the life of the victim. Sometimes there are no symptoms and the patient may fall into a coma.

Signs of sunstroke in children

The symptoms of sunstroke in children are practically the same as in adults. The main problem is that diagnosing sunstroke in a child is very difficult. Children cannot clearly convey what exactly worries them. Often they themselves do not understand the cause of their painful condition.

It is not difficult for parents to guess that a child has sunstroke if they have witnessed their long walk in the sun. But if doubt has befallen you, then the behavior of the child will help you understand the reason for his ailment.

How to determine sunstroke in a child?

  1. Irritability

The child begins to act up due to symptoms of sunstroke, which he cannot explain. Sometimes the symptoms appear hours later. A child can "sleep" an unpleasant state, and then begin to act up. But most often, on the contrary, the baby is haunted by restless sleep.

  1. Weakness

After excessive irritability, the child becomes lethargic. At this stage, more specific symptoms appear. The child may complain of headache and nausea.

  1. Heat

Despite the fact that in adults this symptom appears already at the last stage, children are more sensitive to changes in the body. However, take your child's fever seriously and responsibly.

  1. Cold sweat

Despite the high temperature, the body is covered with cold sweat.

  1. Pre-fainting or loss of consciousness

The most dangerous sign. An ambulance should be called at the earliest signs of sunstroke to prevent loss of consciousness.

At-risk groups

There are people with certain physiological characteristics who are more susceptible to the influence of the sun and fall into the risk group. You should limit your sun exposure if you are one of the people listed below.

Predisposing factors:

  1. Overweight
  2. Problems with the cardiovascular system
  3. Smoking
  4. Enhanced psycho-emotional background
  5. neurological problems
  6. The state of alcoholic intoxication

If you belong to any of these categories, you should beware of the manifestations of the sun. Follow preventive guidelines to reduce your risk of sunstroke.

First aid for sunstroke

First aid for sun and heat stroke does not require much effort. Once you have been able to diagnose sunstroke, be sure to call an ambulance. Even if the symptoms indicate a mild degree of damage, the condition may worsen a little later. Your task is to provide first aid in case of sunstroke.

How to treat sunstroke at home?

  1. Provide a cool place

If you are in an open area, find and drag the patient into the chill. If your place of stay is a closed room, turn on the air conditioner. Remove outer clothing, cool face and décolleté with a damp towel.

The patient can be drunk with sweet tea or mineral non-carbonated water. There are special medicines for sunstroke that you can buy at a pharmacy: rehydron, citroglucosolan, and other powders for preparing saline.

  1. Lay down

Lay the patient in a horizontal position. Loosen the belt, unfasten the top buttons so that the body does not experience any external pressure. Place a small pillow or blanket under your feet.

  1. cool down

The procedure is very unpleasant, but how else to treat sunstroke if the temperature has reached 38.5˚?

The victim from solar ultraviolet radiation should be placed in a cool bath. The water should not be too cold so that the body does not experience a shock. Wrap ice cubes in a towel and apply on the head, under the knees, under the armpits and in the groin area. Frozen vegetables may also be suitable for refrigeration.

  1. Ensure free airways

If the patient is unconscious, turn his head to the side. It is possible that even in an unconscious state, sunstroke can cause an attack of vomiting. These precautions are necessary so that the patient does not choke in case of vomiting.

  1. Watch your breath

It is very important to monitor the patient's breathing. You may need to do artificial respiration.

After all the alarming symptoms are behind, a period of rehabilitation begins, which can last up to several days. The patient is credited with bed rest, a balanced diet and a large amount of drinking.

How to bring down the temperature during sunstroke?

The most important thing to do if you get sunstroke is to monitor your body temperature. It can change at any moment. This is a very important aspect of recovery that should not be overlooked.

How long does the temperature last during a sunstroke?

As already repeated in the period of a disease state, the body endures a lack of sweating. Therefore, the body cannot “cool down” itself. Due to the rhythmic blood flow, the temperature gradually rises, so it needs to be given special attention.

The temperature during a sunstroke will rise and hold until it is knocked down. It is better to leave this concern to the doctors. If you did not wait for medical help, and the temperature crossed the line of 39˚, then you can try to bring down the temperature of ½ tablet of paracetamol, analgin and acetylsalicylic acid.

Prevention of sunstroke

The best remedy for sunstroke is precautions. After all, it is better to prevent it in time than to treat it later.

Prevention methods

  1. Protect yourself with a headgear. Use natural fabrics that absorb moisture and conduct heat. It is better if the fabric is white to reflect the rays. This will protect you from sunstroke, but not heatstroke. Therefore, when you feel excessive heating of the head or from the heat you feel unwell, wet your hat and put it on. Repeat this manipulation as needed, your health will not return to normal.
  2. Drink plenty of water. This rule applies especially to children. They are very active and therefore the need for fluid is many times greater. It is not necessary to drink clean water, you can give your child fruit drink or juice. Make sure your summer drink is cool, but not cold.
  3. Limit your time in the sun. Take a break every 10 minutes and hide in the shade.
  4. Be mindful of the dangerous hours when the sun is at its most active, or "poisonous" as the folks say. This is the period from 1100 to 1700.
  5. Avoid overeating and heavy meals. This will make your stomach very heavy. The main forces of the body will go to the processing of food, and not to protect and normalize processes.

It is always very pleasant to soak up the rays of the friendly sun. But the ultraviolet that they contain causes a lot of problems. Adhere to prevention methods so as not to fall victim to the sun's rays. At the first sign of sunstroke, call an ambulance and give yourself first aid if possible.

Video: Heat and sunstroke

is a special form of heat stroke caused by exposure to sunlight. The cause of the defeat can be work or a long stay (walks, rest) under the scorching sun. Accompanied by weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, headache, dizziness, flickering "flies", nausea, fluctuations in blood pressure, fever and cardiac disorders. The diagnosis is exposed on the basis of the anamnesis and clinical symptoms. Treatment is conservative - cooling, elimination of dehydration. In severe cases, emergency drug therapy is required.


T67.0 Heat and sunstroke

General information

Sunstroke is a pathological condition that occurs under the influence of direct sunlight. As a rule, it develops during outdoor recreation (for example, on the beach), but it can also be observed in the mountains, at relatively low air temperatures, because, unlike heat stroke, it is caused by overheating only the head, and not the whole body. It can affect people of any age and gender, but is especially dangerous for children, the elderly and patients with certain chronic somatic diseases.

The consequences of sunstroke are impaired blood circulation and sweating, as well as a lack of oxygen in the tissues. First of all, the central nervous system suffers, in severe cases, the activity of all organs and systems is seriously disrupted, coma and death are possible. Treatment of sunstroke is carried out by specialists in the field of resuscitation, traumatology and orthopedics, cardiology, neurology.

The reasons

Sunstroke develops under the influence of the sun at its zenith - at this time, the sun's rays at a minimum angle act on the maximum possible area. The immediate cause of the occurrence may be work, outdoor recreation, walking or being on the beach from 10-11 to 15-16 hours of the day. Provoking factors include calm, stuffy weather, lack of a hat, overeating, improper drinking regimen, drinking alcoholic beverages, and taking medications that reduce the body's ability to thermoregulate (for example, antidepressants). The likelihood of developing this pathology increases with hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, heart disease and obesity.


Direct sunlight heats the head, as a result, hyperthermia develops in all parts of the brain. The membranes of the brain swell, the ventricles overflow with cerebrospinal fluid. Arterial pressure rises. Arteries in the brain expand, ruptures of small vessels are possible. The work of the nerve centers responsible for vital functions - vascular, respiratory, etc. is disrupted. All of the above creates conditions for the occurrence of both immediate and delayed pathological changes.

In severe cases, asphyxia, massive cerebral hemorrhage, acute cardiovascular failure, and cardiac arrest may develop. Among the long-term consequences is a violation of the reflex, sensory and conductive functions of the brain. In the long term, headaches, neurological symptoms, difficulty in coordinating movements, visual disturbances, and diseases of the cardiovascular system may occur.

Sunstroke symptoms

The likelihood of developing and the severity of symptoms depend on the time spent in sunlight, the intensity of the radiation, the general state of health and the age of the victim. There is weakness, lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness, thirst, dry mouth, shortness of breath, dizziness and increasing headache. There are ophthalmic disorders - darkening in the eyes, "flies", doubling of objects, difficulty in concentrating the gaze. The body temperature rises, hyperemia of the skin of the face is noted. An increase or decrease in blood pressure is possible, with an increase in blood pressure, nausea and vomiting may occur. In the absence of assistance, the victim's condition may worsen, cardiac disturbances and loss of consciousness are possible.

There are three degrees of sunstroke. With a mild degree, general weakness, nausea, headache, dilated pupils, increased heart rate (tachycardia) and respiration are observed. With an average degree, there is a state of stupor, severe adynamia, uncertainty of movements, unsteadiness of gait, increased heart rate and respiration, severe headaches, accompanied by nausea or vomiting. Fainting and nosebleeds are possible. Body temperature rises to 38-40 degrees. Severe sunstroke is characterized by a sudden onset with a change in consciousness from confusion to coma, hallucinations, delirium, clonic and tonic convulsions, involuntary excretion of urine and feces, and an increase in body temperature to 41-42 degrees.

Sunstroke in young children has some features due to the imperfection of the body's thermoregulation system, as well as insufficient protective properties and high sensitivity of the scalp to heat. Signs of stroke in children appear much faster than in adults. Characteristic sudden lethargy, drowsiness or, conversely, irritability. The child often yawns, perspiration appears on his face. Body temperature rises, nausea and vomiting occur. In severe cases, loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest and cardiac disturbances are possible.


The diagnosis is established during the consultation of a traumatologist, therapist, neurologist or other specialist, taking into account the patient's complaints, anamnestic data (stay under the sun at its zenith) and the results of an external examination. To assess the severity of the victim, the pulse, blood pressure and body temperature are measured.

sunstroke treatment

At the first aid stage, the victim is immediately moved to a cool place in the shade and laid down, providing air flow to the body. The head is turned to one side so that if vomiting occurs, the person does not choke on vomit. Cool (not ice) wet compresses are applied to the back of the head, forehead and neck. You can also spray the victim with cool water. Ice and cold water should not be used, since the temperature contrast is an additional stress for the body and can cause reflex vasospasm, which will further aggravate the patient's condition.

If the patient is conscious, he is given a plentiful salted drink to restore the water-salt balance (you can use mineral water without gas). In case of loss of consciousness, ammonia is used. If the condition does not improve, urgent specialized assistance is needed. If sunstroke happened to a child, an elderly person or a patient suffering from severe somatic diseases, an ambulance should be called in all cases, even when the victim's condition is normal.

Specialized medical care is to restore the vital functions of the body. If necessary, carry out artificial respiration. To restore the water-salt balance, a solution of sodium chloride is administered intravenously. In heart failure and asphyxia, subcutaneous injections of caffeine or nikethamide are carried out. Diuretics and antihypertensives are used to normalize blood pressure. Severe sunstroke requires hospitalization and a full range of resuscitation measures, including intravenous infusions, intubation, pacing, diuresis stimulation, oxygen therapy, etc.

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis is usually favorable. The list of preventive measures is determined by the specific situation, health status and age of the person. Among the general recommendations is the obligatory protection of the head from the sun's rays. It is better to use scarves, panama hats and reflective shades. It is necessary to wear light-colored clothing made from natural materials. Do not work or rest in direct sunlight from 11 am to 4 pm.

When hiking or performing professional duties related to exposure to the sun, you need to take regular breaks and rest in a shady, cool place. It is important to observe the drinking regime and drink at least 100 ml of liquid every hour. Sweet carbonated drinks are not recommended, plain or table mineral water is better. Strong tea, coffee and alcohol are contraindicated. You should not overeat on vacation or before going out - this creates an additional burden on the body. If possible, during the day you should take a cool shower, moisten your hands, feet and face with water.

After suffering a sunstroke of any severity, it is recommended to consult a doctor for the timely detection of negative consequences and the exclusion of latent chronic diseases that could increase the likelihood of developing this pathological condition. Within a few days, you need to limit physical activity, avoid exposure to heat and the sun, otherwise the risk of developing a second stroke increases. If possible, bed rest should be observed, this will give the body the opportunity to restore the functions of the nervous system, blood biochemical parameters and the level of metabolic processes.

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