Anorexia nervosa: weight loss "without brakes", which drives some crazy, others - to the grave. Anorexia: what kind of disease is it, the first signs, types and stages, treatment What should be the weight for anorexia

With a height of 155 cm, excessive thinness is 35 - 40 kg, anorexia - 30 kg or less.

With a height of 170 cm - excessive thinness is 50 - 53 kg, anorexia - 45 kg or less.

With a height of 175 cm - excessive thinness is 55 kg, anorexia - 50 kg or less.

Usually such a diagnosis is made to those who have one skin and bones.

"Height" is height. You need to specify it in feet. 1 meter is 3.28 feet.

If you get an uneven number, for example, "3.28", then put the number "3" in the top line, and "28" next to the "inches" item.

If such a red inscription appeared, you have serious problems with weight!

Anorexia - otherwise we can say the exhaustion of the body due to the fact that it does not take the nutrients necessary to ensure its vital activity.

At what weight does anorexia start? can be seen in the following table:

With a height of 160 cm - excessive thinness is 40 - 45 kg, anorexia - 35 kg or less.

I advise you to use the anorexia calculator. It's free, you don't need to register or watch ads. I'll explain how to use it.

In the line "age" enter the age.

If you are a woman, mark "female", if a man - "male".

"Weight" is the weight. It must be stated in pounds. 1 kg is 2.2 pounds.

Enter all your data and click "Calculate". If a green inscription appears on the right, then you have a normal weight!

With a certain ratio of height and weight, anorexia can be diagnosed, and it is based on the body mass index, which is calculated like this:

With a height of 165 cm - excessive thinness is 45 - 48 kg, anorexia - 40 kg or less.

Anorexia is very difficult to treat, since it is more of a psychological disease and it is necessary to treat the head, but this is not so easy.

You can calculate the ratio as follows: subtract 25 from height in centimeters. This is the approximate weight for such a disease. If you subtract 20, then this is already a very small weight, but depending on the physique, some people are diagnosed with anorexia, and at this weight. For example, with a light-boned physique, such a diagnosis will not be made. With a normal physique, too, no. But with a broad physique, such a diagnosis can be made, but not always, but at the discretion of the doctor.

If the weight taken from height is more than 20, then such a person cannot be considered anorexic, regardless of physique.

And normal weight is considered to be height in centimeters minus one hundred for men. And also only, minus 110 for women. Then it is considered that everything is in order with the weight, and the person is not threatened with anorexia

Anorexia is a rather scary diagnosis, as it can be treated with great difficulty. Anorexia has a very high mortality rate, and very often it all starts with debilitating diets.

There is very little information on this subject, but I will try. I want to warn you right away that I am not a doctor, and if you have any doubts about your weight and you consider yourself too fat, although everyone around you says that you are very thin, then maybe those around you are still right?

But nevertheless, it is considered normal for an ordinary person if his weight is at least 85 percent of the normal weight for his height, age, etc. Say, if a person has a height of 180 cm, then his weight within the normal range should be 70-80 kg. I give a difference of 10 kilograms, because there are various calculations and opinions. Accordingly, if your weight with a height of 180 cm is less than 85% of 70 kg., Or in numbers less than 59.5 kg, then you have anorexia.

Again, these are my personal conclusions based on the analyzed information from the Internet. They cannot be true in the last resort. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics and structural features of your body. More precisely, a doctor can tell you.

Height 160 weight 42 is anorexia

I am 168, weight 43. With this weight, I got pregnant without any problems and gave birth to a child. Pregnancy was easy, not counting the toxicosis. Menstruation is always fine.
At the same time, I eat whatever I want and when I want, I love sweets, cakes, pastries. Without chocolate, the beast and the mood deteriorates.
The only thing is that I eat often and in very small portions. My plate is about 18cm in diameter. I still do not have breakfast with sandwiches, boiled cereals. For breakfast, oatmeal (NOT instant food), boiled with dried fruits or a banana, or even a cup of coffee at work if you slept for a long time in the morning 🙂

Always been 45-160. Without any diets.

It’s better not to go below 45. I myself am 157, at 42 kg I look and feel terrible, at 44 I’m fine. Also asthenic.

I weigh 42-43 with a height of 160 at the age of thirty. Always something like this and cheerful, of course I am very slim, but not to say that it would be straight thin. Clothing size 40, chest size 2. I look very petite in the company of friends, but not skinny.

Cool to you. I'm 157/44.5, I only wear Russian size 38, 40 doesn't hold (unless tops are allowed)

If you are an asthenic, then it’s normal But in general, we and everyone on you ***** how much do you weigh there

yeah, and that's why at 5 in the morning you scribble an answer to her)

Well, 45 kg with a height of 160 cm is not yet critical, but almost on the verge of anorexia. But when 47 kg weigh with a height of 173 - this is generally a skeleton. A tall, stooped skeleton with protruding bones and sunken cheeks is just right to act in horror films. With a height of 166 cm, I now weigh 54 kg, I strive for 52 kg - this is the ideal weight for me with my height. There was a period when I weighed 42 kg - skinny, no breasts, no priests - it was scary to look at.

Here is the logic of p and p e c with a height of 166 52 kg is normal. and with a height of 160 45 kg anorexia

Are you guided by the fact that both 160/45 and 166/52 are growth minus 114-115? The lower the growth, the less “growth minus” can be. With a height of 150, you cannot weigh 20 (BMI 8), and with a height of 180, you can weigh 50 (BMI 15).
160/45 - BMI 17
166/52 - BMI 18

Who cares, for me it’s a normal working weight, I’m 160-43, I don’t feel very well if the weight is below 40, I try not to allow this, my maximum weight in my life is 44.5. By the way, some smart people said, “oh, skinny, after 25 it will blow anything,” but nothing like that! I still wear my school clothes to this day.

Familiar.)) I was generally 49 at school, wore 40-42 sizes, now, after 9 years, I have become 2 sizes smaller.

45 is normal if you look and feel normal, 40 is not enough.

Bggg, we are the army of your opinion)

I also sometimes buy 38, but on the contrary, more often the top. The bottom is almost always 40. But there are cases and 36 fit Italian. But I have another problem, hips are about 85, and waist is 56-57, so trousers and skirts almost always have to be sewn in at the waist.

Similarly.) Hips 83-84, waist 57. I hate a low fit, but it sits well when the size is normal for the hips (24 denim, for example). But with a high, as I like, only through the studio. At what I do not think that I have some kind of particularly thin waist.

Normal weight, but I think, with such a height, 42-43-45 is better than 40. With a height of 157, I weigh 39. This weight has been stable since the 10th grade, I am already in my fifth year. I wear a European 36, with clothes in general a problem, everything has to be customized, since the Russian 38 and 40 are generally huge. And in appearance, I wouldn’t say that I’m really very thin, parameters 77-55-80 😀

You should have European 30, not 36.

55 with a height of 176, I feel good, I don’t look skinny, because. the figure is asthenic, everything looks natural, I am 33.

Not much, but everyone has a different physique, look for yourself at what weight you like more and feel better. With your height 44-47 it will be ideal, but this is just in my opinion.

40kg or 45kg - with this growth, there is a difference. 40 is a walking skeleton, 45 is quite normal. I have a height of 158, almost like you, I weigh 45kg, so slim, but not anorexic, and even have something to hold on to. But when at one time I weighed 42 kg in terms of winding up, kind aunts constantly told me about “I ate little porridge”, Auschwitz, etc. And as it is now, everything suits me. Yes, and a couple of kg (no more) would not mind adding, but it does not increase. I'm 29.

45 is normal, and 40 is dystrophic.

Yes, and 45, to be honest, at 160 often looks like anorexia, a lot depends on the thickness of the bone (you can estimate by the girth of the wrist). If the bone is wide, then it looks nothing, if it is thin, Buchenwald. Optimal in most cases - about 50, that is, the old formula "Growth minus 110"

there is an old formula "Growth minus 110"

you are probably used to it and it seems that normally at the age of 24 I had almost the same parameters 160 weight 37kg 77-55-80. Looked like an anorexic

Are you guided by the fact that both 160/45 and 166/52 are growth minus 114-115? The lower the growth, the less “growth minus” can be. With a height of 150, you cannot weigh 20 (BMI 8), and with a height of 180, you can weigh 50 (BMI 15). 160/45 - BMI 17166/52 - BMI 18

According to. It is important to compare not only kg and kg or cm and cm, but everything in a compartment.

That's it, everything is in the coupe, but where is the physique

Bgg. Dystrophanka. I am 163 and 58kg. The truth is I'm 34

Girlfriend. 40 kg. 157 cm clearly does not look like a dystrophan) well, the truth is she is still quite young) all the same, age must also be taken into account. and don't forget about the bone too)

Yeah, according to which 150/40 is a thin girl, and 180/70 is a fat one. Stupid formula.) If we are to be guided by anything, then BMI and percentage of fat.

I agree the formula is stupid.

it is clear that right now everyone is at each other p-o-*****. but still, why be rude, even on an anonymous forum? man must be first of all

43. Love Caxon

Yes, in principle, normal, if you are an asthenic. I am normosthenic, I weigh 48 with a height of 160, I visually look slim, I go to the gym, I have a lot of muscle mass. And muscle is heavier than fat.

40 is already a clear underweight

Where did you get these numbers from? Guided primarily by the width of the wrist. And not “The lower the height, the less it can be” minus height. I weighed 52 kg with a height of 164 and looked puffy, 48 kg is fine for me. A friend weighs 41 height 160 does not look dystrophic. Both narrow-boned

I have a wrist of 14, an ankle of 17, at 157/42 I look terribly thin.

provided that I am an asthenic, I do not sit on diets, everything is in order with menstruation. I am 21

yes, it's a little bit, but if you like it, then it's fine

Well, if everything is in order with health, then it’s normal. My sister, for example, with a weight of 47, no menstruation, height 157, and she and I need at least 50

And you ***** how you breathe) You yourself weigh 80 kg ;-)

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Anorexia, bulimia, obesity and diets

This topic contains 33 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by Katerina_Katerina 4 months, 3 weeks ago.

Your minimum weight for a height of 165 cm and age

hello, I would like to know what is the minimum and maximum weight you reached with a height of 165 cm and how old are you.

at what minimum weight did you feel worse.

for example, 38 kg is deadly or can you live?

With my height of 163, the minimum was 42 kg. Shatalo from side to side, no strength, ears pawned, dark in the eyes. The bathroom was always bad.

At 38 kg, you probably cannot die. But life is hard. So, half-existence from one apple to the next. Author, please think about it, do you need it?

and if my height is only 160? Should I be silent? ((and I will never reach 165 cm, and in the minimum weight, my health has not worsened, but on the contrary.))) Now, at 45 kg, I am angry, if less, then I am happy. At 42 kg, they call me thin, and for a height of 165 cm, 38 kg is ... hmm ... a special aesthetics ... if you correctly reduce weight, for years, then even at 38 kg you can feel good ... probably ...

yes, because of stress, I lost weight to 40. a year ago I weighed 49. more recently - 45. now 40.

and it suits me. there was a fear of getting better. And I even want to lose some more weight. I feel fine. as always.

but there is as before I'm afraid.

this is what happened to me (I don’t know what to do and what to think.

Girl, believe me, this is \"happiness\", oh, how not for long!

Well, in general, my weight has always been 45. No matter how much I eat. last year the maximum was 49. it was a shock for me.

never weighed that much. then she got off the blood pressure and again returned to 45ti.

now 40. Do you think I can't keep it?

Yes, keep the weight, then keep it, but good health and health - no.

I don't go hungry though. I just eat less. I eat everything. I don't follow any diets. like the body receives VSK.

With rgste 167, the minimum was 34. At the same time, I had a lot of strength, no dizziness, I also ate more or less. It's weird, but everyone's body is different.

my min. bul 30, but \"I flew \" in my 40s, the best state of health (with the exception of low pressure, and since childhood, and the absence of months)

On average, there was always a weight of 49 kg, I considered myself "slender". Sometimes they were even called skinny.

In principle, now I look at the pictures, it was normal.

So, just right, everything. The bones did not stick out, the frogs were 52 cm (oh my God)
Because of the frogs and lost weight, by the way. Now in the region of 38-40 Lyashki. I can embrace, oh, how joyfully.

But at one time I had such a .. Depressed (?). In short, I sat at home, watched movies and ELA. Then it spread me up to 55. A terrible feeling
Well, when I started to leave the house for the university somehow by itself I crawled up to 50. Then again 49 favorites) Even during the sessions I usually lose weight, I get nervous)
But I didn't see myself. I've seen bokazhirlyashki.

Well, I lost weight to 39 .. I forced myself to eat.)
Now about 41.

No one noticed that I even got better, hmm

Only growth can be a little smaller. But also in the region of 163-165

When you look at the photos of young girls who died of anorexia, horror seizes. A tribute to fashion for the perfect figure finds its fans. Only here the view of those who want to lose weight and lose weight to death and those who understand that this is a mental illness differ from each other. The Medical Encyclopedia characterizes an eating disorder as a type of anorexia: anorexia nervosa.

Who is affected by anorexia nervosa

Anorexia nervosa affects people who are too concerned about their diet and appearance. This disorder is persistent voluntary fasting to maintain excessively low weight inappropriate for age and height. The reason is the groundlessness of the fear of getting fat. It occurs in both sexes, but adolescents, maturing girls and women are most often affected.

The symptoms are continued dieting even after reaching a weight less than appropriate for height and age and despite excessive weight loss and emaciated appearance and weight loss - calorie counting becomes an obsession. As a rule, the diagnosis is made in the late stages of the disease. Anorexia nervosa should be diagnosed with Simmonds disease, adrenal insufficiency, neurosis with anorexic syndrome, depression, schizophrenia.

Sad consequences

Anorexia nervosa eventually leads to pathological changes in the body: cessation of menstruation, changes in body hair, muscle weakness, dehydration, anemia, low blood pressure, weak heart rate, constipation, mouth ulcers, tooth decay, metabolic disorders, decrease in body temperature. Prolonged anorexia often disrupts the function of the heart, liver, bone marrow and causes a decrease in calcium in the bones (osteoporosis) and changes in internal organs, as a result of eating a small amount of food and insufficient intake of microelements and vitamins useful for life, etc.

Treatment includes gradually changing the diet, under the supervision of a physician, to ensure adequate caloric intake and gradual weight gain; individual, group or family therapy. Life-threatening weight loss requires hospitalization. Unfortunately, sometimes it is too late, the organs undergo changes, and even if doctors snatch such patients from the “paws” of death, they will forever remain disabled.

After discharge from the hospital, patients need long-term contact with a psychotherapist. In one third of girls, even after treatment to restore body weight, menstruation does not occur, as a result of which they urgently need treatment from a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

A bit of math

Calculation of body mass index (BMI) (the ratio between weight and height). BMI is a rough guide, as people can differ in bone density and muscle mass in total body weight.

BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m) squared.

  • 16 kg/m2 or less Pronounced weight loss
  • from 16 kg/m2 to 18 kg/m2 Insufficient (deficit) body weight
  • from 18 kg/2 to 25 kg/2 Norm
  • 25 kg/2 to 30 kg/2 Overweight
  • from 30 kg/2 to 35 kg/2 Obesity 1 degree
  • from 35 kg/2 to 40 kg/2 Obesity 2 degrees
  • from 40 kg/2 and more Obesity 3 degrees

His calculation: Divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. Example: BMI \u003d 68 kg: (1.72 m x 1.72 m) \u003d 23. (from 18 to 25 is the norm).

Symptoms of anorexia

Symptoms of anorexia are a combination of primary and subsequent signs by which you can recognize the onset of this terrible disease and try to prevent its development.

The standard of female beauty in the modern world is thin, graceful and slender girls, shining with their beauty on fashion catwalks and from the screens of Hollywood films. It is no wonder that most teenagers, especially the fair sex, with all the fervor of youthful maximalism, strive to resemble their famous idols in everything. Therefore, they consciously and purposefully refuse food, go on strict diets and simply starve themselves in order to achieve aristocratic pallor and physique like that of well-known stars. But such a mockery of one's own body does not pass without a trace, most often it leads to the development of such a disease as anorexia.

What is such a disease? Why does it occur and how does it start? What are the first signs of the disease and what should you focus on?

Anorexia and its varieties

The very name "anorexia" is borrowed from the Greek language and literally translated as "no appetite." It manifests itself in a complete refusal to eat, which leads to a rapid weight loss and entails mental disorders and nervous disorders, the main manifestations of which are a phobia of fullness, a manic desire to lose weight, unreasonable anxiety about increasing body weight, as well as a false painful perception of one's physical body. forms.

Approximately eighty percent of patients with anorexia are adolescent girls from twelve to twenty-four years old. The remaining twenty percent are women and men of more mature age.

The worst thing is that this disease leads to very sad consequences and in twenty percent of cases ends in death, the vast majority of which is suicide. Anorexia is considered an occupational disease of models, where it accounts for approximately seventy-two percent of cases. Timely qualified medical care leads to a complete recovery of patients only in forty to fifty percent.

Unfortunately, this disease has become so deeply embedded in everyday life, has spread so widely among the population that in some countries it is forbidden at the legislative level to give work to excessively thin models or anorexic models with unhealthy thinness.

This disease has several varieties.

According to the mechanism of development, anorexia happens:

  • neurotic - when food refusal is caused by a strong negative emotional background, pathologically affecting the cerebral cortex;
  • neurodynamic - when the decrease and loss of appetite are due to the impact on the brain of strong non-emotional stimuli, such as, for example, strong and intense pain;
  • neuropsychiatric - otherwise neurological, nervous, psychogenic anorexia or cachexia, which occurs against the background of a purposeful and conscious refusal to eat and is considered as a severe mental disorder - one of the varieties of self-destruction, classified by several degrees of severity.

In the countries of the European Community, the use of sibutramine was suspended in 2010, when the European Medicines Agency published the results of studies on the risks of side effects of the drug: the drug should not be taken by patients who have ever had diseases of the cardiovascular system - it can cause tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, increased blood pressure , as well as convulsions, dizziness, dysmenorrhea and over 20 other side effects.

Motivator from the 40 kg community


He's a prozac. This is not a weight loss drug, but a strong antidepressant, one of the side effects of which is loss of appetite. A person suffering from depression, when taking fluoxetine, will notice an improvement in mood, a decrease in anxiety and fear, and normalization of sleep. A pronounced effect will appear after a week of taking the drug. In the event that fluoxetine is suitable for the patient. If not, then the impressive list of side effects of taking fluoxetine is not at all the worst thing. At one time, the pharmaceutical company that produced Prozac hid the fact that more than 2,000 people committed suicide while taking fluoxetine drugs. Despite the fact that before that, suicidal thoughts did not bother them, despite the depression.

Aspirin or turmeric? 8 Contraceptive Methods You Shouldn't Try!

Hellish cocktail: ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin. Ephedrine is a psychoactive poisonous alkaloid, a raw material for the production of drugs containing methamphetamine and ephedron. The storage, use and sale of ephedrine in Russia is prohibited, but this fact does not stop anorexics. It is impossible to find ephedrine in its pure form, but ephedrine-containing preparations are easy: for example, cough syrup "Bronholitin". The standard composition of the cocktail is 25 mg of ephedrine, 250 caffeine and 250 aspirin. The girls take this mixture three times a day. Allegedly, it helps to burn fat at lightning speed. At the same time, naturally, it adversely affects the cardiovascular system.

Community motivator 40 kg

Laxatives and diuretics

The principle of action of these drugs is clear: the former help to empty the intestines, the latter have a diuretic effect - due to this, the illusion of weight loss is created. Naturally, neither the amount of muscle mass nor the amount of fat from taking these drugs does not change. But problems with the gastrointestinal tract begin from the constant use of laxatives. Diuretics, on the other hand, cannot be used at all without a doctor's prescription: they remove potassium, calcium and magnesium ions from the body. It is very difficult to restore their balance without medical supervision and subject to a half-starved diet.

Underweight is a reason to see a doctor to determine the causes and ways to correct weight.

Body mass index (BMI) calculator

With this online calculator you can calculate your body mass index, BMI (from the English Body mass index - BMI). With the body mass index, you can check the correlation between your body weight and your height and find out if you are overweight or, conversely, if you are underweight. To calculate your body mass index (BMI), fill in the fields in the calculator that correspond to your height and weight. Enter your height and weight to the nearest tenth, then the calculation result will be the most accurate.

Signs of anorexia: psychological changes

Despite the conspicuous low weight, the main symptoms of anorexia are still psychological. It is in the mind of a girl with anorexia that the most significant changes occur, which lead to a mental disorder.

Anorexia starts normally. The psychological impetus to start losing weight is ridicule or harsh statements from classmates / classmates. Sometimes comments about being overweight can be especially traumatic if they are spoken by a guy who has a crush on a girl. The girl's self-esteem is reduced, and after such ridicule, she decreases even more: she begins to think of herself as unattractive and inferior.
At some point, the girl decides to lose weight.

She believes that if you change your appearance, you can immediately become attractive, popular among peers and among the opposite sex.
With such motivation, the girl quickly brings the weight back to normal. Well, if she managed to lose weight reasonably, and avoid harmful diets, taking laxatives, weight loss drugs and inducing vomiting.

What is stopping her from losing weight?

Self-esteem in anorexia is very strongly related to body image. The first successes in losing weight cause real euphoria: the girl feels more beautiful and more successful than before. She sees the envious looks of her friends, the interested looks of the guys, and this is a powerful incentive for her to continue working on her body. Work on the body usually continues in weight loss - the girl is used to this, and her mind has already firmly linked weight loss with popularity, success and happiness.

An anorexic patient perceives the image of her body distortedly: with an extremely low weight, she continues to believe that in some places, for example, on the hips, there is fat that needs to be eliminated. To convince her is actually useless - neither to parents, nor to a psychologist.

Learn more: What are the characteristics of teenage anorexia?

In addition to the obsessive desire to lose weight, an anorexic patient usually communicates less with friends, her circle of contacts narrows. Thoughts and hobbies are related to food: cooking, diets, calories.
The mood of an anorexic patient may be depressed or change frequently. Frequent manifestations of depression, sleep disturbances.

Physiological symptoms of anorexia

The physiological symptoms of anorexia vary depending on the stage of anorexia. With a decrease in weight significantly below normal, all systems and organs of the body suffer, but violations are not always noticeable in the first stages of anorexia: a healthy young body has a margin of safety. The first visible signs of anorexia are:

  • problems with the menstrual cycle
  • constant weakness
  • hair loss, brittle nails

The functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted, the concentrations of hormones, primarily sex hormones, change.
With a lack of protein in food, the body begins to destroy muscle protein, including the heart muscle. This leads to various negative consequences ...

Read more: physiological disorders in anorexia

When to see a doctor for anorexia?

As with most diseases, the rule is true with anorexia: the sooner treatment is started, the easier and faster the patient can be cured.
If at the first stage of anorexia you can do without medication, only outpatient treatment, then in the last stages the patient is in intensive care, with a body weight below 35-40 kg and the risk of death. According to statistics, the mortality rate for anorexia without therapy is 5-10%.

Anorexia? We are ready to help you!

voters: 1

Video (click to play).

Regular eating is the key to good health, so when the appetite begins to disappear rapidly, there is a serious cause for concern. Regular and prolonged refusal of food can lead to the development of a dangerous disease - anorexia. The causes of its occurrence are of a different nature, and the symptoms begin to appear immediately. Signs of anorexia can be observed in weight loss, psychological distress and other painful symptoms.

What is anorexia

The name of the disease anorexia accurately describes its essence: an is a negative prefix to the root orexis (appetite). The feeling of hunger ceases to arise in the body, although the need for food remains the same. At first, this is observed only at the psychological level, but the longer the refusal of food lasts, the more physiological processes are disturbed, which lead to complete exhaustion and, if the disease is not cured, to death.

The reasons

The disease begins to occur when malfunctions occur in the part of the brain responsible for food. How anorexia begins can be followed by emerging signs. The reasons why this happens may be psychological disorders or other diseases. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • addiction;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • anemia;
  • alcoholism;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Recently, the disease often occurs for psychological reasons. It is provoked by frequent depressive states, anxiety and phobias, nervous tension. The latter condition is most affected by women and girls who are concerned about their excess weight. Symptoms of anorexia in women are manifested by long diets and a complete refusal of food. They lose the ability to adequately perceive their body, continuing to lose weight to the detriment of health, until there is a complete loss of appetite and the body begins to reject food.

Types of anorexia

The disease can be divided into several types. They differ in the causes contributing to anorexia and treatment methods. If anorexia occurs against the background of another ailment, then for recovery it is necessary to get rid of the root cause. There is anorexia

  • nervous;
  • mental;
  • medicinal.


One of the canons of beauty is the thinness that models have. Achieving this ideal is often motivated by the desire to conform to other people's views, which leads many of the fair sex to illness. They strive to lose weight by imposing too severe restrictions on food intake. Obsession with these behaviors can lead to bulimia nervosa, eating disorders, and loss of the ability to adequately assess your weight. It has been noticed that their own repulsive and even frightening appearance, which can be seen in the photo, a real threat of death cannot sober up a person.


Serious mental illnesses that cause depression and catatonic states, pathological fear of poisoning, mental disorders provoke another type of food refusal. The reluctance to eat can be caused by a conscious decision or loss of hunger due to its long oppression. It has been noticed that if in the waking state the feeling of hunger is weakened or absent, then in a dream the patient may feel a “wolfish” appetite.


Some drugs can lead to a complete lack of appetite against the background of which anorexia develops. This can happen unconsciously during the treatment of another disease, it can be provoked on purpose when a person deliberately takes drugs to reduce their weight. Dangerous drugs include drugs such as stimulants and antidepressants that are taken for a long time.

initial stage

Primary anorexia begins to take possession of a person very slowly, every year taking deeper roots in his psyche. The initial stage can last 2-4 years. During this period, in the mind of a person, dissatisfaction with his body gradually strengthens, more and more there is a desire to lose weight. One's own appearance lends itself to constant criticism, regular attempts are made to correct the figure, but the result never brings satisfaction. The first symptoms of anorexia should be cause for concern:

  • weight dissatisfaction;
  • fear of gaining weight;
  • passion for diets;
  • regular fasting;
  • unwillingness to eat in the presence of other people;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • hiding places with food hidden from oneself;
  • provocation of vomiting, spitting out chewed food.

More than others, adolescents during puberty are at risk of falling into this state. At this time, the body undergoes significant changes, which also apply to weight. The most dangerous period is observed from 14 to 25 years. The fashion stereotype about the beauty of thin people imposed on adolescents with a weak psyche can do real harm when they begin to achieve the ideal with a steady and obsessive zeal. If clinical symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor who can control the patient's nutrition and prevent exhaustion of the body.

At what weight does anorexia start?

The first stage of the disease can be seen in the signs of anorexia related to physiology. This applies to significant weight loss and a sharp deterioration in well-being, for example, the appearance of constant dizziness. An indication of the disease can be considered such a sign as a loss of approximately 20% of the total body weight, but this indicator should be individually calculated for each person, depending on the body mass index. These are the ratios of height squared and weight (60 kg / 1.7 m). An indicator of 17.5 and below from the mass index indicates incipient anorexia.

Symptoms of anorexia

The disease can be observed in physiological and psychological terms, it betrays itself in a person's attitude to food. The following signs of anorexia speak of a threat to health:

  • obsessive desire to lose weight;
  • constant refusal to eat;
  • an unusual eating ritual (putting small portions on a large plate, chopping food, carefully weighing food, obsessive calorie counting);
  • avoiding events where you have to sit at the table;
  • depressed psychological state, a tendency to solitude;
  • unwillingness to admit their painful thinness;
  • inducing vomiting, enemas, done to cleanse the body of food;
  • refusal of treatment;
  • fainting, dizziness, decreased sexual activity;
  • aggressive upholding of one's way of life.

Among women

The fair sex is the first to suffer anorexia. They begin to exhaust themselves with diets and hunger strikes from adolescence. If the desire to have a slim figure crosses the line and turns into a disease, it can be recognized by all of the above signs. Symptoms of anorexia in girls relate to the menstrual cycle (it is disturbed), there is a rejection of sexual activity, and the hormonal background changes. The most dangerous period is 25-27 years. Failures in personal relationships, the desire to become more beautiful in the eyes of men can push for the development of the disease.


From about the age of 12, teenagers begin to pay increased attention to their bodies and carefully monitor their appearance in order to be attractive to members of the opposite sex. At this time, their inner world is very fragile, and you can push the child to illness with simple remarks. During the period of growing up of children, parents can determine anorexia by the following signs:

  • sudden mood swings;
  • depressive states;
  • disruption of the heart.

In men

Representatives of the stronger sex are much less likely to suffer from anorexia. Of the total number of cases, men make up only a quarter. Symptoms of the disease begin to be observed in adolescence. Most of the sick in childhood suffered from fullness and were of short stature, they have low self-esteem. Many manifestations of anorexia in men are similar to women's. Anorexia can be recognized by the following signs:

  • severe irritability;
  • exaltation;
  • intolerance towards others;
  • sleep disturbance, depression, apathy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pain in the abdomen after eating;
  • weight loss.



In any pharmacy, you can safely buy the drug "Reduxin-light" - this is not a medicine, but a food supplement (BAA), the main active component of which is linoleic acid. Quite another matter is the drug "Reduxin". This is a prescription drug. The active substance is sibutramine, an anorexigenic drug. The drug artificially causes a feeling of fullness, due to which the patient, suffering from obesity, ceases to exceed the daily calorie intake. True, sibutramine can only be used in complex therapy, under the constant supervision of a doctor, and if other methods of combating obesity have not worked, and the patient has a high risk of developing diseases associated with overweight. Anorexics, of course, do not have obesity, but there is a lack of body weight. And this body, already weakened, is forced to deal with the side effects of sibutramine.

In the countries of the European Community, the use of sibutramine was suspended in 2010, when the European Medicines Agency published the results of studies on the risks of side effects of the drug: the drug should not be taken by patients who have ever had diseases of the cardiovascular system - it can cause tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, increased blood pressure , as well as convulsions, dizziness, dysmenorrhea and over 20 other side effects.


He's a prozac. This is not a weight loss drug, but a strong antidepressant, one of the side effects of which is loss of appetite. A person suffering from depression, when taking fluoxetine, will notice an improvement in mood, a decrease in anxiety and fear, and normalization of sleep. A pronounced effect will appear after a week of taking the drug. In the event that fluoxetine is suitable for the patient. If not, then the impressive list of side effects of taking fluoxetine is not the worst thing at all. At one time, the pharmaceutical company that produced Prozac hid the fact that more than 2,000 people committed suicide while taking fluoxetine drugs. Despite the fact that before that, suicidal thoughts did not bother them, despite the depression.



Hellish cocktail: ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin. Ephedrine is a psychoactive poisonous alkaloid, raw material for the production of drugs containing methamphetamine and ephedron. The storage, use and sale of ephedrine in Russia is prohibited, but this fact does not stop anorexics. It is impossible to find ephedrine in its pure form, but ephedrine-containing drugs are easy to find: for example, cough syrup "Bronholitin". The standard composition of the cocktail is 25 mg of ephedrine, 250 caffeine and 250 aspirin. The girls take this mixture three times a day. Allegedly, it helps to burn fat at lightning speed. At the same time, naturally, it adversely affects the cardiovascular system.

Community motivator 40 kg

Laxatives and diuretics

The principle of action of these drugs is clear: the former help to empty the intestines, the latter have a diuretic effect - due to this, the illusion of weight loss is created. Naturally, neither the amount of muscle mass nor the amount of fat from taking these drugs does not change. But problems with the gastrointestinal tract begin from the constant use of laxatives. Diuretics, on the other hand, cannot be used at all without a doctor's prescription: they remove potassium, calcium and magnesium ions from the body. It is very difficult to restore their balance without medical supervision and subject to a half-starved diet.


The most popular two-week anorexic diet contains virtually no food at all: 6 apples and 2 cucumbers - this is the only solid food that is allowed to be eaten in 2 weeks!

1 day - green tea;
Day 2 - 4 cups of kefir;
Day 3 - 1 bottle of mineral water;
Day 4 - 1 apple;
Day 5 - 4 glasses of milk;
Day 6 - green tea;
Day 7 - 4 glasses of milk;
Day 8 - 2 apples;
Day 9 - a liter of kefir;
Day 10 - 2 cucumbers;
Day 11 - green tea;
Day 12 - a liter of milk;
Day 13 - 3 apples;
Day 14 - mineral water.

Community motivator 40 kg

On the so-called “drinking” diet, you can’t eat solid food at all. Only liquid. 10 days. For the most persistent - 14.

Between diets, girls switch to “healthy eating”: thin slices of whole grain bread, 20 grams of dark chocolate (99% cocoa), a pinch of oatmeal, seasoned with grated green apple for sweetness - the usual menu for the day.


Naturally, the body is still trying to fight hunger, and girls, despite taking drugs, have “breakdowns”. What they call "gluttony", but which in essence is an attempt to eat a normal portion of ordinary food - after all, after a long fast, eating more than a normal portion is problematic. It hurts.

Motivator from the 40 kg community

And after failures always comes punishment. That is, self-torture. Posting photos of yourself with the caption "I'm fat" in a sit down is the mildest possible punishment. You can also put a photo in an album for criticism and get a dose of insults. You can punish yourself with a dry fast. Dry means you can't even drink. No food, no water.

When obsessive thoughts about food arise, anorexics are advised to imagine something terrible instead of food: worms, rotting corpses, or excrement. Do unpleasant things. Punish yourself with hard physical work.

And the last way - cuts. Anorexics cut themselves (mostly legs, many then post photos of cuts on their thighs on the net). In fact, the problem of self-harm is not the problem of anorexia. Self-harm is an unhealthy attempt to eliminate emotional pain, intense anger, and frustration. It can bring short-term relief both on an emotional and physical level: on the one hand, there is a feeling of control over one’s own body, on the other hand, a cut provides a surge of adrenaline, which, in turn, makes past experiences irrelevant. But not for long. Then again comes the feeling of guilt, shame and the return of previously experienced emotions.

Anorexia- This is a mental illness that manifests itself in a violation of eating behavior, in which a person deliberately severely restricts himself in food. There is such a restriction, and sometimes even a refusal of food, against the background of a distorted idea of ​​​​the patient with anorexia about his own body (figure, weight) and a stubborn desire to lose weight by any means.

With anorexia, a person often strives not to achieve a certain weight value, but to an external manifestation of the result - a decrease in the volume of the figure. The goal can be pursued both by restriction (starvation) and by cleansing (taking emetic, laxative, etc.).

Affected by the disease, mainly women aged 14 - 25 years, less often - women aged 30-35 years. Also, in recent years, males are increasingly observed among patients. Most often, anorexia develops during a period of hormonal disruptions or experiencing stressful situations.

Types of anorexia, depending on the causes of its occurrence:

  1. nervous;
  2. symptomatic;
  3. mental;
  4. medical.

The most common type of anorexia is nervous. The most rare is psychic anorexia.

The reasons

Each of the varieties of the disease develops as a result of various reasons. Mental anorexia is the result of a mental illness such as schizophrenia, paranoia, or depression. The reasons for the development of other forms of the disease can be physiological and psychological factors. Physiological factors are mainly the cause of the development of symptomatic and drug-induced anorexia. Physiological causes of anorexia include:

  • violation of the level of brain hormones (decrease in the content of serotonin, norepinephrine and an increase in cortisol);
  • development of somatic diseases of organs;
  • abuse of drugs, mainly antidepressants.

The psychological causes of the anorexia disease give rise to its most common form - the nervous one. These include:

  • the desire to control your life;
  • the desire to meet the requirements of the surrounding world;
  • perfectionism;
  • an inferiority complex instilled at an early age as a result of improper upbringing;
  • psychological trauma;
  • physical or sexual abuse.

Anorexia appears under the influence of both the patient's own desire for ideals and the provocation of this desire by others.

Symptoms and signs of anorexia

The patient himself does not recognize the existence of the problem and hides the disease from himself and others. However, according to a number of signs, anorexia can be determined. Symptoms of anorexia can manifest in both physical and behavioral signs.

Physical signs of anorexia include:

  • permanent and significant weight loss;
  • dry irritated skin, brittle hair and nails;
  • bloating, digestive problems;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • deterioration of the brain - absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, slowing down the reaction rate;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • violation of sexual functions.

Often, in order to hide the manifestation of the disease, an anorexic patient may wear baggy clothes. Problems with digestion, skin or menstruation, as well as weight loss, can be explained by past illness. In this case, it is worth paying close attention to the behavior of the patient. The list of behavioral signs of anorexia includes:

  • dissatisfaction with their weight, although it may be within or below normal;
  • constant diet, miscalculation of calories and foods that can not be eaten;
  • weight control - weighing at least 2-3 times a day;
  • reading all labels on products;
  • refusal to eat under various pretexts (“I just had lunch”, “I feel bad”, etc.);
  • refusal to eat in public places;
  • getting pleasure from the feeling of hunger;
  • special ways of eating (food is chewed and not swallowed, cleansing the body after eating);
  • isolation, loss of sociability;
  • heavy physical activity after each meal.

The first physiological symptoms of anorexia are manifested in the form of significant weight loss (not due to illness) in a short period and a deterioration in well-being (dizziness). An alarming signal is a weight loss of 20% of body weight.

At what weight anorexia begins is determined individually for each person. To do this, it is enough to calculate the body mass index, which is defined as the ratio of weight in kilograms to height in meters squared (55 kg / 1.702 m = 19.03). The body mass index in the range from 18.5 to 25 is considered the norm, the critical indicator is at the level of 17.5. It is not difficult to calculate how many kilograms anorexia begins, it is enough to know your height and understand that the disease develops with a body mass index of 17.5 and below.

In order to understand how anorexia begins, you need to understand the mental nature and causes of the disease. In some cases, anorexia can be instilled in a child who is constantly reproached for not being slim enough. And later, already at a conscious age, such a person can get into a similar stressful situation, which will give impetus to the development of the disease.

Often, the first symptoms of anorexia are manifested in the behavior and appearance of the patient as a result of experiencing a stressful period or in an attempt to take control of their lives. In search of a distraction or goal of control, patients choose their own weight. Changing it for the "better" side gives a sense of control over one of the areas of one's life, brings confidence and satisfaction in the form of being able to wear smaller clothes.

Stages of the disease

There are three stages of anorexia nervosa: primary, anorexic, cachectic. During the primary stage of anorexia, the symptoms of its development are the active expression of dissatisfaction with one's body and the intention to correct it. The first signals of the disease also appear in the form of aversion of the patient to food and refusal to eat.

The anorexic stage is characterized by the fact that the disease passes into the active phase. The patient begins to actively lose weight, losing from 20% to 50% of his body weight. Various methods are used for this. The most common form in which anorexia manifests itself in the second stage is bulimia - the absorption of food and the immediate provocation of vomiting.

Signs of the anorexia disease in the third, cachectic stage are manifested in uncontrolled weight loss, organ dystrophy, problems with the cardiovascular and circulatory systems. The general condition of the body worsens. This is the most dangerous stage of the disease, which is difficult to cope with. In some cases, anorexia in the third stage of development can be fatal.


In case of detection of signs of the development of the disease, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. Depending on the symptoms of anorexia, the treatment will be different.

The first and main step towards recovery is the recognition by the patient himself that he has anorexia and the manifestation of a desire to fight it. Depending on the stage of the disease, treatment may include: medical procedures, psychological assistance, dietary nutrition.

In the early stages of the disease, anorexics with the help of psychological methods will help to realize the problem, reassess ideals and life goals, form a new attitude towards oneself and one's body. The basis of dietary nutrition is a gradual increase in portions, the number of meals and the inclusion of more foods in the diet. The main task of treatment at the first and second stages of anorexia is the normalization of body weight, metabolism and the establishment of harmony between the patient and his body.

Most often, the treatment of anorexia takes place on an outpatient basis with the support of the patient by relatives. The exceptions are the categorical refusal of the necessary meals, the suicidal mood of the patient and the third stage of the disease. Often in such cases, there is a need for parenteral nutrition of the anorexic (intravenous administration of nutrients).

In the third stage of anorexia, the tasks of treatment include restoring the functioning of organs, gaining weight to a level above critically low, correcting internal attitudes and seeing oneself as sick. On average, the duration of such treatment can be from three to eight months, and about 1.5 years for a full course of recovery from anorexia.

Diet for anorexia

A disease such as anorexia begins with a diet and is treated with it. The only difference is that, in contrast to the strict restrictions that provoked the disease, dietary nutrition in the treatment of anorexia should be balanced and clearly calculated, because. too large a portion or excessive restriction can lead to a loss of the accumulated result. Depending on the individual indicators of each patient, a professional nutritionist prescribes a nutrition menu for anorexia.

However, at home, for nutrition with anorexia at an early stage, the menu can be compiled independently, guided by the principles of treating the disease. The basis of dietary nutrition in the case of this disease is the gradual restoration of body weight. Therefore, for the menu for anorexia, a high-calorie diet with a gradual introduction of complex foods into the diet is perfect.

To gain weight, nutrition for anorexia should consist of the following steps:

  1. the first week - the resumption of the regularity of meals, liquid and semi-liquid low-calorie meals in small portions (mild soups, broths, cereals, mashed potatoes);
  2. the second week - elements of a raw food diet (apple and carrot purees, berries, bananas) are added to the menu for anorexia;
  3. the third week - low-fat boiled fish appears on the menu, chopped meat can be added to the broth, boiled cereals in milk, freshly squeezed fruit (except citrus) and vegetable juices are used with the addition of water;
  4. fourth week - with a favorable perception by the stomach of all the introduced dishes, you can add vegetable salads, bread, boiled meat, a little spices.

Nutrition for anorexia should be very careful, in order to avoid rejection of food by the stomach. In the event of such a rejection, the diet is resumed from the diet of the second week.

Anorexia drugs

The list of necessary drugs for anorexia includes antidepressants and mild antipsychotics. The patient is prescribed a number of drugs that calm the nervous system and improve appetite, as well as vitamin complexes (vitamin B12, vitamin C, iron, calcium) that help restore metabolism and normal body weight. Anorexia pills that increase appetite include Elenium, Frenolon, and so on.

Psychotherapy and dietary nutrition will help to consolidate the effect of the treatment of anorexia with pills and vitamins. Psychotherapeutic methods of treatment will help to eradicate the disease in the mind of the patient. Dietary nutrition will allow you to gradually return to a normal diet.

Anorexia in men

First of all, anorexia develops in young guys at the age of puberty. During this period, all the complexes and pain points of a young man are most aggravated. Close attention is paid to the appearance and compliance with its modern standards of beauty. Often, it is at this age that psychological traumas received in childhood due to excess weight from peers and parents “emerge”.

Anorexia also occurs in men professionally involved in sports, engaged in modeling and show business. In such areas of activity, excess weight can be a reason for job loss. For them, anorexia plays the role of a panacea for unwanted pounds.

A patient with anorexia (especially a man) will not recognize the existence of a problem. He considers the unnatural thinness of the body an achievement of the goal. Because of this feature, it is rarely possible to diagnose the disease in the early stages. Outwardly, it becomes noticeable after 2-3 years of development, when the exhaustion of the body manifests itself.

Pregnancy with anorexia

Pregnancy and anorexia are incompatible processes. The development of such an eating disorder during pregnancy can lead to irreversible consequences: miscarriage, the birth of a small child, the birth of a child with serious illnesses.

In the case of an unplanned pregnancy with anorexia, the patient should immediately report her illness to the doctors if she wants to save the life of the child. In this case, with the constant supervision of specialists, there are great chances for a successful pregnancy.

If a woman with anorexia is planning her pregnancy, she also cannot do without the help of doctors. Since a healthy balance of hormones in the body is necessary for the conception of a fetus, the first thing to do is to restore menstruation after anorexia. For normal conception and pregnancy, the level of the female hormone estrogen and the state of the whole organism of the mother must be normal. That is why it is important to completely cure anorexia in the early stages, in order to avoid irreversible consequences. Then it will be possible to lead a normal life of a healthy person.

Consequences of anorexia

Anorexia is dangerous because, by limiting the amount of nutrients entering the body, it negatively affects all organs and systems. Dehydration of the body leads to a deterioration in general well-being, dry skin, brittle hair and nails, kidney problems (renal failure).

Exhaustion of the body negatively affects the work of the brain - a patient with anorexia is not able to make decisions quickly, is inhibited in reaction, forgetful. The attitude of such a person to various kinds of life situations also changes. He is not always able to adequately respond to stressful situations or jokes. Preoccupation with a diet destroys all other interests and leads to the loss of friends and communication.

The impact of anorexia on the oral cavity is reflected in disease and tooth decay. In the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the disease leaves its traces first of all. They manifest themselves in gastritis, stomach ulcers, bloating and bowel problems.

With constant starvation, diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems develop. Anorexia causes blood anemia, arrhythmia, and can lead to cardiac arrest. Often with a disease such as anorexia, patients have diabetes mellitus.

As a result of the disease, the hormonal balance in the body is disturbed. This leads to serious violations of the menstrual cycle in women, up to infertility. High levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) and low levels of calcium in the blood lead to a decrease in skeletal bone density, resulting in osteopenia and osteoporosis.

It is important to remember that by contacting doctors in the early stages of the disease, most of the consequences can be avoided or reversed. This will allow you to lead a normal life after recovery from anorexia, without serious health problems. That is why it is necessary to pay attention to the signs of the disease in time and take the necessary measures.

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