Urethritis during pregnancy: symptoms and treatment. Urethritis during pregnancy symptoms and treatment consequences. Causes of urethritis

Itching in the urethra is often a consequence of infectious diseases; It is important to pay attention to this symptom, since lack of treatment can lead to complications. To prevent discomfort in the future, it is important to eliminate all possible causes that lead to its occurrence.

Causes of itching

If it itches in the urethra area, the most common factors that provoke the occurrence of this symptom are:

  • pathologies caused by harmful microorganisms: pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases, E. coli, staphylococcus, etc.;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (urethritis, cystitis);
  • trauma (for example, during sexual intercourse).

Itching in the urethra appears under certain conditions. These include hypothermia, drinking sour/spicy drinks, coffee, alcohol, taking medications, using genital care products (gels, wet wipes). It must be remembered that the genitals are characterized by increased sensitivity, so infections, exposure to chemicals and aggressive components in some foods/drinks on the mucous membranes often provoke discomfort.


This disease is characterized by inflammation of the urethral mucosa. The main symptoms of the pathological condition are: itching, pain when urinating. The causes of urethritis are different: infectious processes, traumatic situations. If you do not consult a doctor, the inflammatory process will develop. Gradually, purulent discharge and pain will be added to the itching.

Read what antibiotics are used for urethritis here.


With cystitis, the mucous membrane of the bladder becomes inflamed. The disease can develop as a result of the spread of bacteria. They violate the integrity of the mucous membrane, provoking the development of an inflammatory process, which, in turn, leads to symptoms: itching in the urethra, pain when urinating (in men and women). With acute cystitis, the symptoms are pronounced. The chronic course of the disease is characterized by less pronounced symptoms.

Urolithiasis disease

The disease can lead to cystitis and urethritis. This occurs when stones enter the urethra. Pain of varying intensity appears. If there is sand in the bladder and urethra, then a slight itching occurs when passing urine, and the pain is mild. Gradually, these symptoms are replaced by others: severe pain, pain when urinating.


The cause of the disease is the Candida fungus, which is always present in the body. However, its quantity increases under the influence of a number of factors, including: neglect of hygiene rules, contact with chemicals, creation of a favorable environment, for example, when the microflora in the vagina is disturbed. A common symptom is itching in the genital area and urethra. Other signs: curdled discharge, discoloration of mucous membranes.

Venereal diseases

Such pathological conditions are provoked by harmful microorganisms: gonococci, chlamydia, streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli. The main way of transmitting pathogens of a sexually transmitted disease is sexual contact. With gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, itching in the urethra occurs almost immediately after infection.

Additional symptoms

Itching at the initial stage of pathology development is not always accompanied by other symptoms. If you do not consult a doctor, the disease that provokes discomfort in the urethra will develop. Later other symptoms appear:

  • burning sensation;
  • pain in the abdomen (in its lower part);
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • swelling of tissues, which leads to complications in the process of urine outflow;
  • discomfort when urinating.

The pathological condition can develop without discharge. This often indicates that the disease is progressing slowly. In advanced cases, the inflammatory process is accompanied by purulent discharge from the urethra.

The intensity of pain also depends on the severity and form of the pathological condition.

For example, the acute period is characterized by obvious symptoms. In this case, the pain is severe, the intensity of the itching may also increase. In chronic diseases, symptoms are less pronounced.


An external examination of the genital organs is carried out, the doctor assesses the condition of the urethral sphincter (changes in tissue color, swelling and discharge are detected). A number of studies are being carried out:

  • A general blood test will detect a developing inflammatory process in the body.
  • General urine analysis - helps to evaluate the structure of the biomaterial and its color. Based on a general urine analysis, a conclusion is made about the composition of the fluid.
  • Urine culture.
  • A swab from the urethra. In this case, a quantitative indicator of pathogenic microflora is determined. The study allows us to assess the degree of sensitivity of harmful microorganisms to medications.
  • Cystoscopy - makes it possible to examine the bladder and urethra. It is prescribed if there are no symptoms other than itching in the urethra.

Treatment of itching in the urethra

Considering that the key cause of discomfort in the lower abdomen is the inflammatory process, drugs are prescribed that will help restore the tissue of the urethral walls. Antibacterial drugs are used only after the bacterial culture results are ready. On average it takes 1 week. Until this point, only antiseptic medications should be taken. They will help stop the inflammatory process, but will not eliminate its cause.

In most cases, the main treatment is taking an antibiotic. The action of drugs of this type is aimed at destroying harmful microorganisms.

However, the antibiotic must be selected taking into account the type of infection.

If this is not done, the pathogen may remain in the body after a course of therapy. Then the itchy sensations in the urethra will appear again after a while, and along with them other symptoms will arise: purulent discharge, pain, cramps. The duration of therapy is determined based on the diagnosis. Considering that there are many causes of itching in the urethra, the treatment regimen can vary greatly. If such a symptom reappears, the previous treatment regimen should not be used.

Along with antibiotics, local drugs are prescribed: Miramistin, Furacilin. Solutions are injected into the urethra. You can make baths using herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect: calendula, chamomile. Douching with folk remedies should not be carried out without prior consultation with your doctor.


To prevent itchy sensations in the urethra from occurring again in the future, it is necessary to eliminate all causes of their occurrence:

  • When caring for the genitals, it is better to do without intimate hygiene products.
  • Sexual activity should be stopped during the period of therapy, and after recovery, condoms should be used during sex. This measure does not guarantee 100% protection against STDs, but it reduces the likelihood of infection.
  • If there is a tendency to develop inflammatory processes that are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms (itching, pain, pain), injury to the genital organs, including the urethral sphincter, should be avoided.

Additionally, it is necessary to maintain immunity, for which vitamins are periodically used. It is recommended to adjust the diet: exclude spicy and sour foods, drink alcohol and coffee in moderate quantities. It is advisable to wear underwear made from natural materials. This reduces the likelihood of the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.


In patients of different genders, the causes of itching sensations differ. This is due to the fact that the genitourinary system of women and men is structured differently.

Itching in men

Common causes of itching in the urethra are urethritis, prostatitis, and STDs. In men, itching often occurs after ejaculation. This occurs due to the spread of harmful microorganisms that cause diseases that are sexually transmitted.

Itching in women

Representatives of the fairer sex are more likely to encounter a bacterial infection that penetrates the urethra. This is due to the structure of the urethra: it is wide and shorter than in men. As a result, itching appears in the urethra. In addition, due to the proximity of the urethral and vaginal sphincter, there is a risk of injury. This likelihood increases with rough sexual intercourse or masturbation.

During pregnancy

The difficulty of treating inflammatory processes that cause itching in the urethra lies in the possible effect of medications on the fetus. In this case, classical therapy cannot be used.

Some antibiotics can be used during pregnancy only if the likely benefit outweighs the harm.

Inflammation of the urinary system, called urethritis, can occur in women during pregnancy. This usually happens suddenly and manifests itself with characteristic signs. For proper treatment of urethritis, pregnant women should consult a doctor, as self-medication can be ineffective and even dangerous.

Features of the disease in pregnant women

Signs of this disease during pregnancy are often confused with another disorder called cystitis, although these diseases are very different. Depending on the form of urethritis, the doctor determines appropriate therapy using special medications. Urethritis during pregnancy always belongs to one of the groups:

When urethritis during pregnancy appears due to ureaplasmosis or chlamydia, it is very dangerous. Such infections have a unique ability to enter the amniotic fluid and lead to infection of the fetus. This leads to the appearance of developmental pathologies.

There is even a risk of infection of the baby at the time of birth, when he passes through the birth canal. In this case, the baby may develop conjunctivitis, and even pneumonia. In this regard, it is better to take care of the treatment of urethritis during pregnancy, without allowing the disease to develop.

What symptoms accompany the disease?

Symptoms of urethritis in pregnant women are similar to the symptoms of the disease in ordinary people. The main distinguishing signs of the disease in pregnant women are the dulling of pain, which is why the woman may not notice it. Despite this, the disease will be detected at the first visit to the gynecologist.

Frequent urination, accompanied by itching, burning and other uncomfortable sensations, can indicate urethritis, especially in the early stages. At the same time, discharge comes out of the urinary canal. Their type and abundance depend on the pathogen.

According to symptoms, urethritis in pregnant women is often confused with cystitis, but the diseases are different. With cystitis, pain occurs after going to the toilet, and with urethritis, it accompanies urination and does not disappear after it.

  • injury to the urethra from kidney stones;
  • hypothermia;
  • consumption of small amounts of water;
  • neglect of personal hygiene;
  • sexually transmitted infections (you can become infected even before pregnancy);
  • pressure of the developing fetus;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system;
  • overwork;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • impaired blood circulation.

Is urethritis treated in pregnant women?

Doctors prescribing treatment for urethritis during pregnancy are guided by the stage of the disease. The main goal is not to harm the baby. The disease is especially dangerous in the early stages in the first trimester, when the main systems and organs of the fetus are developing.

When diagnosing bacterial urethritis, local medications are needed, which include ointments, gels and creams. Antibiotics are practically not prescribed, and to speed up the fight against infection, you need to take care of your diet.

It is better for treatment to admit a pregnant woman to a hospital, where specialists will monitor the patient’s condition. The main thing is not to try to prescribe medications for yourself, since urethritis should not be underestimated.

It is impossible to say exactly how to treat urethritis during pregnancy. The approach should be comprehensive and include:

  • restoration of microflora in the vagina;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • use of aids.

To normalize the microflora, you need to populate the vagina with microorganisms that should live in it. Doctors choose the drug for this individually. To strengthen and maintain immunity, immunomodulators and vitamins are required.

As auxiliary measures for the treatment of urethritis in pregnant women, there are: When done correctly, they are very useful. Especially recommended are lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks, linden tea, and cornflower infusion. Parsley juice, which has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects, is also suitable.

In advanced stages of urethritis during pregnancy, emergency measures are needed. These include shading of the urethra, that is, cauterization of the affected mucosa. The essence of the procedure is to prevent irreversible pathologies in complex chronic forms of the disease.

Key points regarding acute urethritis:

  • Acute urethritis occurs as a result of the spread of pathogenic bacteria into the urethra.
  • If these bacteria come into contact with a newborn, they may develop conjunctivitis or pneumonia.
  • Untreated acute urethritis can lead to complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease.

Acute urethritis involves inflammation and infection of the urethra (urethra). What is the urethra? It is a canal (tube) through which urine is discharged from the bladder to the outside. Urethritis is usually caused by one of three bacteria:

  • coli
  • gonococci (causes gonorrhea)
  • chlamydia (causes chlamydia)

E. coli is one of many bacteria commonly found in the rectum and vagina. It can get into the urethra during sexual intercourse or when wiping the anus after defecation. Gonococci and chlamydia are transmitted through sexual contact and are sexually transmitted infections (causing sexually transmitted diseases).

Complications of urethritis during pregnancy

When gonococci and chlamydia are present in the urethra, they can usually be found in the cervix as well. In non-pregnant women, these bacteria can cause upper genital tract infections if not treated promptly. One of the most dangerous complications of urethritis in women is pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Infection with these bacteria during pregnancy may increase the risk of preterm birth.

E. coli or other similar microorganisms, in addition to inflammation of the urethra, can cause cystitis during pregnancy and infect the kidneys. Kidney infection during pregnancy can lead to premature birth and other complications.

Another complication can occur when the baby passes through an infected birth canal during labor. The baby may develop serious eye infections due to gonococci or chlamydia present in the birth canal. Chlamydia can also cause respiratory tract infections in newborns.

Symptoms of acute urethritis in women during pregnancy

Acute urethritis usually causes the following symptoms:

  • frequent urge to urinate (the need to urinate frequently);
  • urinary urgency (the need to urinate immediately);
  • indecisiveness (intentionally delaying the flow of urine in the toilet);
  • urinary incontinence;
  • painful urination;
  • burning in the urethra;
  • the urethra hurts.

When gonorrhea or chlamydia cause urethritis, a woman may experience a white discharge from the urethra during pregnancy or a yellow, purulent discharge. In addition to these symptoms, a woman may also experience discomfort in the urethra during pregnancy.


Your doctor may test a urine sample to look for high numbers of white blood cells (leukocytes) to help make a correct diagnosis. Your doctor may also take a sample of urethral discharge, which can help diagnose gonorrhea if it is present. The most useful diagnostic procedure for identifying chlamydia in urethral secretions is DNA diagnosis of chlamydia.

How to treat urethritis during pregnancy

Treatment of urethritis during pregnancy depends primarily on the cause of its occurrence:

Escherichia coli

Nonspecific urethritis is usually treated with antibiotics, such as:

  • Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim or Septra)
  • Ciprofloxacin
  • Nitrofurantoin (Macrobid)

Your doctor may prescribe a 3- or 7-day course of antibiotics.

Gonorrhea or chlamydia

The most cost-effective treatment for gonorrhea is a single dose of Cefixime (Suprax) orally or an injection of Ceftriaxone (Rocephin). Your doctor may also prescribe a single dose of Azithromycin (Zithromax) by mouth for chlamydia.

Pregnant women and patients with penicillin allergies are given one injection of Spectinomycin (Trobycin) to treat gonococcal urethritis (gonorrhea). Other patients with a penicillin allergy can treat gonorrhea with a 7-day course of Doxycycline (Vibramycin). They may also be treated with quinolones such as Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) or Ofloxacin (Floxin). People with a penicillin allergy can still take Azithromycin to treat chlamydia. Your sexual partner should also undergo diagnosis and treatment.

Prevention of acute urethritis

Safe sex using barrier contraceptives is one of the ways to prevent sexually transmitted infections, which also lead to urethritis during pregnancy. Regular testing and examinations by a gynecologist are also important for your reproductive health. Wiping from front to back after urinating or defecating helps prevent bacteria present in feces from entering the urethra or vagina. You should also keep your body hydrated at a high level. To do this, you just need to drink a lot of water, which will also help your body get rid of bacteria.


Treatment of acute urethritis during pregnancy can be avoided without complications if proper treatment is started as soon as possible. Follow your doctor's instructions and take all your medications as prescribed. If you are diagnosed with acute urethritis in early pregnancy, you need to tell your sexual partner. This will prevent reinfection and ensure that your partner also receives treatment.

Urethritis during pregnancy, and not only that, is a fairly common pathology of the genitourinary system of the body. With this pathology, the urethra becomes inflamed. Representatives of both sexes are susceptible to the disease, but in women the course of the disease is much milder. Urethritis and cystitis are often confused, but these are different pathologies. Their main difference is pain: with cystitis, it occurs after urine is released, and.

Pregnancy for every woman is a period during which the expectant mother’s body begins to work to the limit. It is for this reason that various pathological conditions and diseases most often arise.

A woman’s immune system is significantly weakened, hormonal disruption occurs, which affects the functioning of the entire body.

Etiology and symptomatic manifestations

Urethritis is an infectious disease that is accompanied by severe (urethral) swelling. Most often, the cause of the development of pathology is sexually transmitted infections. In some cases, the disease can develop due to the proliferation of microorganisms that live in the woman’s urethra and vagina (chlamydia), which penetrate the uterus and amniotic fluid, which threatens the development of various fetal pathologies. Sometimes a child becomes infected from his mother at birth. The baby may develop conjunctivitis, pneumonia or gonococcal infection.

There are 2 types of urethritis:

  • infectious, when inflammation is caused by pathogens (chlamydia, ureaplasma or gonococci), which can exist in the female body before pregnancy and cause the development of the disease from the moment of conception;
  • non-infectious - develops as a result of injury to the genitourinary system, allergic reactions, and during gestation - due to its growth, which puts pressure on all organs.

In some cases, urethritis can be triggered by hypothermia, poor hygiene, overwork, drinking insufficient fluids, and indulgence in spicy, fatty, salty foods and carbonated drinks.

Some infections of the genitourinary system that are not treated (chronic) or are treated inadequately (cystitis) can lead to the development of pathology.

Symptoms of urethritis in pregnant women are the same as in everyone else. A feature of these signs is a certain mutedness of pain: this leads to the fact that patients do not immediately notice them. However, when visiting a gynecologist, urethritis can be diagnosed immediately. Typically, the following signs serve as alarm bells for the development of the disease:

  • the presence of unpleasant painful sensations, itching during micturition;
  • the presence of purulent discharge in urine;
  • redness and swelling of the external genital organs.

Why is it dangerous?

The occurrence of any infection that affects the body of the expectant mother has a pathological effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus. It is with urethritis that there is a risk of microorganisms (ureaplasma and chlamydia) entering the amniotic sac, which cause infection of the fetus with various diseases and contribute to the formation of pathologies of its development. Gonococcal urethritis is very dangerous - such an infection causes premature birth or fetal death.

Infection with urethritis is considered to be the most dangerous in the early period of pregnancy, since at this stage the formation of all vital systems and organs of the fetus occurs.

The slightest infection that enters the body of the expectant mother can interfere with the proper development of the fetus.

The least dangerous during pregnancy is created by non-infectious urethritis, but even their presence is fraught with an increased risk of complications, especially when the disease is not treated correctly or is ignored.

Principles of treatment

Throughout the entire period of bearing a child, the woman is monitored by a gynecologist. Before each scheduled examination, she undergoes all the necessary laboratory tests, the results of which help determine the condition of the expectant mother and see the development of pathological processes at a fairly early stage. During the appointment, the doctor must examine and thoroughly question the pregnant woman. Discomfort, pain during micturition and poor health may indicate a developing disease. To confirm urethritis in pregnant women, a visual examination is carried out, accompanied by taking a smear from the urethra and vagina.

During pregnancy, all genitourinary pathologies rapidly invade the vaginal mucosa, so a smear from its inner surface almost immediately confirms the presence of a disease such as urethritis.

Sometimes an ultrasound is prescribed. Its results show what changes have affected the woman’s genitourinary system and the current condition of the unborn child.

The main argument for doctors in treating a disease in an expectant mother is the ability not to harm the developing fetus. Typically, urethritis in pregnant women is treated with topical or topical medications - antibacterial ointments, creams and gels. Doctors tend to refrain from prescribing antibiotic therapy. During pregnancy, treatment of pathology is mostly associated with restoring the functionality of the urinary canal and the entire genitourinary system of the expectant mother, as well as the vaginal microflora. To alleviate the symptoms of a progressive disease and speed up recovery, a pregnant woman is recommended to slightly change her diet by including decoctions of medicinal herbs: linden tea, infusions of chamomile and cornflower, lingonberry and cranberry juices or fruit drinks.

Treatment of pathology is determined by the cause of its occurrence. In case of infectious urethritis, a pregnant woman must be observed in a hospital, selecting conservative antibiotic therapy that has little effect on the formation of the fetus.

In addition to traditional methods of treating the disease, there are also traditional medicine recipes, which during pregnancy serve only as an auxiliary measure against the background of the main treatment.

The use of such methods is necessary only with the recommendations of a gynecologist, so as not to harm the expectant mother and her child.

For a pregnant woman, it is very important to prevent various diseases, especially infectious ones. To maintain a healthy body, you should follow a few simple rules: avoid hypothermia, strictly follow hygiene standards, balance your diet, have sexual contact only with a regular partner and do not refuse regular gynecological examinations.

Urethritis is one of the most common diseases, which manifests itself in the fact that the urethra (urethra) becomes inflamed.

Urethritis affects both men and women.

The percentage of people suffering from urethritis among men and women is approximately the same, while women, as a rule, tolerate this disease much easier.

There are several predisposing factors that provoke the development of urethritis during pregnancy:

  • The most common case of getting urethritis during pregnancy is infection after sexual intercourse. The main causative agents of urethritis are chlamydia, gonococci, ureaplasma and mycoplasma infections. All these infections can be transmitted to a pregnant woman through sexual contact, both during pregnancy and before it, appearing only after some time.
  • Hypothermia is also one of the most common factors that provoke the development of urethritis in a pregnant woman.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases that already occur in the genitourinary system, but are not treated or are treated incorrectly (for example, cystitis).
  • Allergic reactions (usually to food).
  • Congenital or acquired defects in the structure of the genitourinary system.
  • Fatigue resulting from prolonged physical or emotional stress.
  • Too little water consumed.
  • Failure to comply with basic personal hygiene rules.
  • Excessive consumption of spicy foods and carbonated drinks.

Symptoms of urethritis in pregnant women are similar to symptoms of urethritis in non-pregnant women.

The main manifestations of symptoms of female urethritis are as follows:

  • The appearance of foreign discharge from the urethra of mucous or purulent consistency. The color of the discharge can be different - greenish or bluish. The discharge is especially pronounced in the morning, during the first urination.
  • Redness and swelling in the genital area.
  • Itching in the genital area, burning and pain during urination.
  • Frequent urge to urinate (this symptom may be mistakenly attributed to a symptom of pregnancy).

Urethritis can cause the development of fetal pathologies and negatively affect the pregnancy process. Chlamydial and ureaplasmosis urethritis are the most dangerous types of this disease for the baby in the womb - it is these infections that have the most negative impact on the child.

Gonococcal urethritis is extremely dangerous: gonococci can reach the fetus and kill it, or cause premature birth. There is also a possible risk of placental insufficiency, and the infection can be transmitted to the baby. Thus, when you detect the first symptoms of urethritis, you must immediately contact a specialist to avoid disastrous consequences.

Non-infectious urethritis is less dangerous during pregnancy, but even in this case there is a risk of complications if this disease is ignored or treated incorrectly.

Diagnosis of urethritis during pregnancy does not differ from the usual diagnosis of urethritis and consists of several stages.

  1. Initially carried out analysis of patient complaints on the symptoms of urethritis: when signs of the disease were noticed, how they manifested themselves. The specialist also finds out the details of the patient’s life, whether there are chronic or prolonged inflammatory processes, what operations were performed previously, and an examination is carried out.
  2. The specialist conducts smear microscopy discharge, which is taken from the urethra to determine the presence of urethritis and its type. If urethritis has become chronic, then additional urethroscopy and urethrography are performed.
  3. It is also mandatory to bacteriological culture of smear. This stage is carried out to determine the sensitivity of the causative agent of urethritis to the antibiotics proposed for treatment.
  4. An ultrasound is performed to detect any changes in the structure of the organs of the genitourinary system. Additionally, studies can be conducted to study the current condition of the child: whether urethritis has affected the development of the fetus, what is the risk of the disease affecting the child, etc.
  5. The final stage is PCR diagnostics to identify pathogens or infections that can be sexually transmitted.

If urethritis is of infectious origin, then there is a risk of getting a number of complications that will primarily affect the development of the pregnant woman’s fetus. For example, a child in the womb can get a number of diseases if urethritis is caused by chlamydia or mycoplasma.

The harmful effects of urethritis can affect the condition of the child not only during pregnancy, but also after childbirth. The infection can cause pathologies in the development of vital organs and tissues in the fetus, and in exceptional cases, lead to miscarriage.

The main factor that guides the doctor when choosing a drug to treat urethritis in a pregnant woman is not to harm the fetus. It is especially dangerous to get urethritis in the first trimester of pregnancy, because it is during this period that the most important organs and systems are formed in the fetus.

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with bacterial urethritis, then drugs with local effects are used: various creams, gels and ointments.

As a rule, people try to abstain from antibiotics if possible.

To speed up the healing process, changes in diet are necessary: ​​cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, linden flower tea, and blue cornflower infusion will be useful.

The most desirable way to treat urethritis during pregnancy is placing a patient in a hospital where treatment progress can be closely monitored.

It is important to know

Under no circumstances should you try to prescribe a treatment for female urethritis on your own! Many simply underestimate this disease, allowing urethritis to develop into advanced cases.

Treatment of urethritis in pregnant women can be limited to taking only one antibiotic that is most effective in a particular case, but it is best to use complex measures, which include:

  • Actions to restore vaginal microflora: It is necessary to prevent infection of the urethra by harmful microorganisms so that the disease does not return again and again. The main principle of action is the population of the vagina with the microorganisms that need to be there. The selection of a drug to restore microflora is carried out by a doctor individually for each woman.
  • Actions to restore and maintain immunity. The pregnant woman’s body is under stress and without infectious diseases, and during treatment for urethritis it will become even weaker, so measures to strengthen the immune system are necessary. This is done with the help of immunomodulators and vitamin therapy.
  • Additional help - the use of folk remedies in the treatment of urethritis in pregnant women. Folk remedies have an extremely positive effect on the condition of a pregnant woman who wants to be cured of urethritis. Folk remedies for the treatment of urethritis can be divided into two main groups - those that have an anti-inflammatory effect (for example, cranberry juice) and those that have a diuretic effect (for example, linden tea). Some folk remedies - for example, parsley juice - have both a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Black currant berries are also extremely useful, and the most beneficial effect from them will be if the berries are eaten fresh.
  • If a case of urethritis in a pregnant woman is advanced, then they resort to emergency measures -shading of the urethra, which implies the action of cauterizing the mucous membrane with special chemicals. The point of this procedure is to prevent irreversible changes in the mucous part of the urethra in the case of complex chronic forms of this disease. As a result of extinguishing, a scab appears, and new healthy tissue begins to develop under it. All painful symptoms of urethritis should disappear after 1-3 days.

However, they try to treat pregnant women using the most harmful means, trying to avoid extreme measures. The most important thing is to contact a specialist for help as soon as possible in order to immediately take measures to treat urethritis in pregnant women and avoid unpleasant consequences for yourself and the child.

Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system are unpleasant and dangerous for any woman, but urethritis during pregnancy is particularly harmful. In this case, there is a great threat to the health of not only the expectant mother herself, but also the developing fetus.

Urethritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the walls of the urethra. Most often, the development of the pathological process is associated with the active reproduction of infectious microorganisms in the urethra.

The causative agents of the disease can be bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci, chlamydia, ureaplasma and mycoplasma, gardnerella, trichomonas, Koch's bacillus), viruses (herpes, influenza), fungi (Candida).

Provoking factors for the development of pathogenic microflora in pregnant women are:

  • decreased immunity;
  • hormonal changes;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • concomitant pathologies of the urinary system;
  • poor nutrition;
  • insufficient intimate hygiene;
  • hypothermia;
  • venereal diseases.

Expectant mothers also experience non-infectious urethritis, which can be caused by allergies to intimate hygiene products or products, and injuries to the urinary canal.

The following symptoms are typical for urethritis that occurs during pregnancy:

  • pain when urinating;
  • increased urge to empty the bladder;
  • itching and burning in the urethra;
  • redness and the appearance of local swelling in the urethral area;
  • mucous, purulent or whitish discharge from the opening of the urinary canal;
  • deterioration of general condition, weakness;
  • increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels.

Chronic inflammation of the urethra most often occurs in a sluggish form: the signs of pathology are weakly expressed and appear only occasionally.

Detection methods

Urethritis is easily determined using laboratory tests. To identify the inflammatory process, a general analysis and bacterial culture of urine are performed, a three-glass sample, a study of the average portion of urine according to Nechiporenko and a general clinical blood test are performed.

To find out the cause of the pathology, a smear is taken from the pregnant woman's urethra. PCR diagnostics of biomaterial obtained by scraping allows you to accurately determine the type of pathogen and prescribe effective treatment.

Causes of urethritis

Urethritis is an inflammation of the walls of the urethra. A distinction is made between infectious and non-infectious diseases.

  1. Infectious. It is observed when affected by pathogenic microflora (Escherichia coli and various coccal bacteria), and poses the greatest danger during pregnancy.
  2. Non-infectious. It is observed in cases of injury to the organs of the urinary system, a congenital narrow urethra, and during pregnancy. Tends to become infectious.

The active development of urethritis occurs due to weakening of the muscles of the ureter and urethra under the influence of progesterone, hormonal changes and changes in metabolic processes. In addition, the physiological structure of the female urethra allows infection to enter directly from the environment. Therefore, during pregnancy, during routine examinations, various tests are often carried out for infections and the presence of bacteria in the urine.

The 10 main factors predisposing to the occurrence of infectious and inflammatory processes are:

  1. Sexually transmitted diseases of a partner, after sexual intercourse with whom the pregnant woman becomes infected. A woman may already have an infection, but become more active during pregnancy.
  2. Being in a cold room, hypothermia, wearing clothes inappropriate for the weather.
  3. Untreated inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.
  4. Allergies to various hygiene items or food products.
  5. Pathologies of the urinary system.
  6. Improper diet and drinking regime.
  7. Poor personal hygiene.
  8. Stressful situations and overwork.
  9. Urolithiasis of the kidneys.
  10. Catheterization for urine collection.

There are specific and nonspecific urethritis during pregnancy. This separation is important because the therapy will be very different.

  1. Nonspecific urethritis is observed when an infection develops from bacteria inhabiting the microflora of a pregnant woman. And such bacteria appear at the time of weakening of immunity.
  2. Specific urethritis is observed during the development of infection from sexually transmitted bacteria, such as chlamydia, mycoplasma, and ureaplasma.

Any form of urethritis during pregnancy requires mandatory and immediate treatment, as the risk of complications for the mother and fetus increases. This is especially true for acute urethritis. The bacteria spread up the urinary tract and can cause pelvic inflammation, which in turn increases the risk of infection in the fetus.

The causative agents of urethritis are most often chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma. These microorganisms prefer to live on the mucous membrane of the urethra. The columnar epithelium of the urethra is the optimal environment for the proliferation of these microorganisms. Inflammation of the urethra can also be caused by E. coli, Proteus and other representatives of the normal microflora of the vagina. Often, examination reveals a mixed infection.

During pregnancy, all conditions are created for an inflammatory process to occur in the urethra. This is facilitated by a noticeable decrease in immunity, both local and general. For expectant mothers, this condition is quite common, otherwise the woman’s body simply would not be able to bear a child. But it is precisely the decrease in immunity that leads to the fact that all pregnant women are one way or another at risk for developing urethritis.

Urethritis during pregnancy is usually combined with colpitis (inflammation of the vagina) and cervicitis (damage to the cervical canal). At the same time, the clinical picture of the disease may be somewhat blurred, and the doctor is not always able to determine the disease at the first examination. If the infection spreads upward, damage to the bladder (cystitis) may occur. In severe cases, inflammation can spread to the uterine cavity, leading to the development of endometritis.

The state of pregnancy is stressful for the female body. During this period, most representatives of the fairer sex experience a decrease in immunity and hormonal disruptions occur. As a result, the body's defenses are greatly weakened.

Many pathogens: gonococci, chlamydia, ureplasma, which can cause urethritis, can live quietly in a woman’s body and become activated only after conception. The state of pregnancy creates prerequisites for the proliferation of bacteria, which in most cases is the main cause of urethritis.

In addition, there are a number of provoking factors that contribute to the development of the inflammatory process in the urethra.

Among them are:

  • eating large amounts of spicy and fried foods;
  • injury to the urethra by stones;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • non-compliance with the drinking regime: a woman during pregnancy should drink at least one and a half liters of liquid during the day;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • urological infections;
  • venereal diseases;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • functional disorders of the genitourinary system;
  • frequent overwork;
  • stress;
  • pressure on the urethra that occurs when carrying a child;
  • congenital defects caused by the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the urinary canal;
  • disruption of the circulatory process in the pelvic organs;
  • excessive physical activity.

The cause of the development of non-infectious urethritis may be allergization of the body caused by the consumption of certain foods or the use of household chemicals.

There is no particular predisposition of the body to the occurrence of urethritis, but external factors can have a sufficient influence on the occurrence of the disease. The causes of urethritis during pregnancy include:

  • hypothermia;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections;
  • errors in nutrition and diet. Salty, pickled, bitter, sour, spicy, alcoholic foods enter the bladder, and in case of excess of these products, irritation of the urethra is possible;
  • decreased immunity;
  • exposure to toxic and radiation factors;
  • the presence of infections (chlamydia, ureaplasma, gonococcus, trichomonas, mycoplasma);
  • performing medical interventions and procedures;
  • presence of urolithiasis;
  • the presence of gynecological diseases.

In pregnant women, urethritis actively develops against the background of decreased immunity, as well as hormonal disorders and imbalances. A weakened body becomes extremely vulnerable to various types of infections. For this reason, pathogens that contribute to the development of urethritis, which may have previously lived in the vagina and urethra, are activated precisely after conception.

  1. Traumatic damage to the urethra by fragments of stones passing through it.
  2. General hypothermia of the body.
  3. Insufficient fluid intake.
  4. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  5. The presence of urological diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature.
  6. Sexually transmitted infections. It should be emphasized that infection can occur even before pregnancy, but not manifest itself as painful symptoms.
  7. Tendency to allergic reactions.
  8. Disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system.
  9. Fetal pressure on the urinary canal.
  10. Excessive consumption of spicy foods.
  11. Chronic fatigue.
  12. The presence of defects in the structure of the genitourinary system, both congenital and acquired.
  13. Excessive physical and psychological stress.
  14. Disorders of the circulatory process in the pelvic organs.
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