What is good for dental health, the best products. What foods are good for teeth and what are their benefits? What is necessary for dental health?

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Articles about dentistry

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How to publish a dental article

If you are a seller or manufacturer of dental products, for successful sales it is no longer enough to simply place product characteristics on your website. Google really values ​​sites whose articles are posted on other trusted resources, that is, those that can be trusted. Such a resource is NaviStom - a site that is more than 14 years old, its readers and users are everyone associated with dentistry: dentists, dental technicians, implantologists, endodontists, owners, managers, managers of clinics and dental laboratories, and trading organizations . The site does not accept articles from exchanges and therefore is not spammed with irrelevant and low-quality information.

To build customer trust, it is very useful to publish articles that reveal the philosophy of the brand, the history of creation, and talk about the main characters of the company - founders, designers, main developers, stages of improvement of technologies or a specific dental product.

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How to post an article for dentists and dental technicians:

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A radiant smile is not only a sign of a good mood, but also evidence of healthy, beautiful teeth. And for them to remain the same for many years, they need to be taken care of every day. Therefore, today we will talk about which foods are good for teeth.

Vegetable massage

The best foods for gums and teeth are vegetables, mostly tough and fresh. Among them, the leader is raw carrots, rich in beta-carotene, vitamins B, D, E, as well as calcium and fluorine, which strengthen tooth enamel. These valuable elements also actively nourish the gums and improve their blood circulation. Beetroot, cabbage, radish and pumpkin have similar properties. By chewing them, we clean plaque from the teeth and provide excellent massage to the gums. In addition, the process produces a large amount of saliva, which washes away harmful bacteria.

Fruit cleansing

Fruits and berries contribute to a radiant smile, because these are teeth whitening foods. Thus, oranges, pineapples and strawberries contain acids that make the enamel white and shiny. And apples, like many other hard fruits, are rich in enzymes that destroy bacteria that cause tooth decay. It is especially useful to eat them after meals, because chewing hard fibers cleanses the oral cavity of small particles of food and eliminates unpleasant odors. However, it is not recommended to brush your teeth immediately after this, since apple juice softens the enamel.

Milk prophylaxis

Since childhood, we have been taught: a glass every day is a surefire remedy for strong, healthy teeth and bones. And this is true, because dairy products contain calcium, which has a beneficial effect on them. Cottage cheese contains calcium and phosphorus, which mutually reinforce each other and strengthen teeth. Natural yogurt is also rich in calcium, phosphate and casein, which provide minerals to teeth and gums. Cheese contains not only shock doses of calcium, but also special enzymes that are effective in preventing caries and gum inflammation.

Sea therapy

When asked what foods contribute to dental health, nutritionists unanimously answer - fish and seafood. They are rich in calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, thiamine and vitamin D, the lack of which leads to diseases of the teeth and gums, as well as weakening of bone tissue throughout the body. Marine varieties of fish are considered the most useful, because, among other things, they contain concentrated doses of iodine, which protects teeth from caries. Among seafood they are the leaders because they contain the most calcium and fluorine. Regular consumption of them in food prevents the formation of plaque and destruction of tooth enamel.

Nut panacea

Products that strengthen teeth must include nuts. The amount of valuable amino acids, vitamins and minerals, including calcium and phosphorus, is off the charts. Nuts also have other benefits. Cashews neutralize harmful bacteria that destroy tooth enamel. Walnuts contain fiber, folic acid, magnesium and vitamin B6, which are essential for teeth. Almond oil has an antiseptic effect and relieves toothache. Pine nuts contain phosphorus and vanadium, which nourish bone tissue and normalize the condition of nerve fibers.

Strengthening exercises

Do you like chicken and quail eggs? It’s great, because eggs are a product that is good for teeth. This is a real storehouse of vital substances, among which vitamin D is of particular importance. It is responsible for the normal level of phosphorus in the body. And eggshells are a valuable source of calcium. To get the full amount, grind eggshells into a fine powder using a coffee grinder and take one teaspoon per day. This is the easiest way to get strong, healthy teeth and cure bleeding gums.

Honey treatment

Honey is another beneficial product for dental health. First of all, thanks to enzymes that destroy harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity. Propolis has been used since ancient times to treat periodontal disease, caries and gum inflammation. Scientists have discovered several dozen useful substances in it that make tooth enamel stronger. It is no coincidence that propolis is included in many toothpastes. Chewing wax honeycombs also perfectly cleanses and disinfects the oral cavity, and also prevents inflammation of the gums and the development of stomatitis.

Water procedures

Not only the right foods, but also drinks will help you achieve beautiful and healthy teeth. Among them is regular black tea without sugar. It contains cahetins, which destroy harmful bacteria. A cup of tea after eating will help not only wash them out of your mouth, but also get rid of the unpleasant odor. Don't forget about water, especially fluoridated water. Thoroughly rinsing your mouth with this water will cleanse it of foreign particles. In addition, it effectively strengthens tooth enamel and prevents plaque formation.

Knowing which foods strengthen your teeth, you can reliably protect them from dangerous diseases, and at the same time improve the immunity of the whole body. And then every visit to the dentist will be a joy.

General issues


- in newborns.

For a man:

For woman:
  • on an empty stomach;
  • Avoid taking antibiotics and painkillers for a month before the test;

Endoscopic diagnostics

(one to choose from)

  • general blood analysis
  • coagulogram (APTT only)
  • ECG with interpretation
The above studies can be performed at the LODE Medical Center.

General issues


Endoscopic diagnostics

Why is it better to take a general blood test from a venous blood sample?

  • In accordance with the Instructions on the procedure for organizing the preanalytical stage of laboratory tests (Order No. 1123 of November 10, 2015 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus), venous blood is the best material for hematological studies (general blood count).
  • The use of capillary blood (taking blood from a finger) is allowed in cases where collecting venous blood is difficult or impossible:
- burns of a large area of ​​the patient’s body;
- small veins, hard-to-reach veins;
- severe obesity in patients;
- the patient’s tendency to venous thrombosis;
- in newborns.
  • Analysis from capillary blood is less accurate: there is a high probability of distortion of the results associated with the blood collection procedure (tissue compression, penetration of tissue fluid, platelet aggregation, formation of microclots). The capillary blood sample volume is limited, which makes it very difficult to double-check the result.
  • Analysis from capillary blood is less informative: a large scatter of indicators due to the procedure of taking blood from a finger leads to less informative results. If there is any doubt about the results of a finger prick blood test, a repeat test with blood taken from a vein is usually recommended.
  • To collect venous blood, the MC “LODE” uses disposable vacuum systems in accordance with all international standards and the standards of the Republic of Belarus.
  • The procedure for drawing blood from a vein takes a matter of seconds and does not cause significant pain.
  • When taking blood from young children (depending on the situation), the necessary special devices and tubes with a specified smaller filling volume are used.
  • Taking blood from a vein at the LODE MC is carried out by nurses who have many years of experience working with veins of any complexity.
  • In order for the result of a general blood test to be reliable, the clinical diagnostic laboratory of the MC “LODE” recommends performing a general blood test only from venous blood.

Express diagnostics in 3 days: preparation instructions

*couple may not be married

For a man:

  • abstinence from ejaculation (sex and masturbation) for 3-5 days;
  • exclude alcohol consumption and smoking (2-3 weeks before the test);
  • exclude visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or taking a hot bath (2-3 weeks before the analysis);
  • not be sick for 2-3 weeks before the test (body temperature should not exceed 37.5 degrees Celsius);
  • Avoid taking antibiotics and painkillers for a month before the test;
For woman:
  • the appointment should take place from the 7th to the 12th day of the menstrual cycle;
  • on an empty stomach;
  • Avoid taking antibiotics and painkillers for a month before the test;

Preparing for capsule endoscopy

  • for 2 days before the study, the patient must adhere to a slag-free diet (boiled water, broth, tea, juices, honey); from lunch on the day before the procedure, it is recommended to consume only clean liquids (you can read newspaper font through a glass of liquid)
  • on the day of the study, it is recommended to refrain from eating and drinking until the capsule is swallowed;
  • It is recommended to refrain from smoking starting 24 hours before the start of the study;

COLONOSCOPY: preparation reminder

2 days before the test (for constipation 3-5 days) - follow a diet.

WHAT IS POSSIBLE: boiled meat (low-fat varieties), fish, chicken, broth, low-fat fermented milk products without fruit additives, boiled eggs, omelet, honey, jelly, weak tea and coffee, clear juices without pulp, still water.

WHAT NOT TO: fruits, vegetables, berries, greens, grain-containing products, cereals, cereals, legumes, mushrooms, nuts, fatty meats, fish and poultry, cream soups, smoked meats, canned food, sausages, fatty dairy products, bread, sweets , alcohol, carbonated drinks.

The day before (1 day before the test):

  • until 9.00 a light breakfast is allowed from the list of permitted products. You can drink water or sweet tea throughout the day. Diabetics can drink kefir before 15.00;
  • from 16.00 fast and take a drug that cleanses the colon (see the list of recommended drugs below).

On the day of the study - complete hunger. It is allowed to take clean water up to 200 ml (in small portions).

After performing a colonoscopy with anesthesia, driving a car or performing other work that requires increased concentration is prohibited for the entire day after the examination.

(one to choose from)
To perform a colonoscopy under anesthesia, the patient must have the results of the following tests with him:
  • general blood analysis
  • coagulogram (APTT only)
  • ECG with interpretation
  • Biochemical blood test: total protein, total bilirubin, urea, creatinine, ALT, AST, glucose, potassium, sodium.
The above studies can be performed at the LODE Medical Center.

Where is feminine charm hidden? What is the secret of attractiveness? What strikes men on the spot? Beautiful smile. A beautiful smile means, first of all, healthy and strong teeth. Some people get it naturally, while others will have to work on themselves to achieve the desired result. In fact, everything is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. "Culinary Eden" brings to your attention products for teeth that will help transform your teeth, restoring them health and beauty.

1. Hard vegetables and fruits (carrots, apples, cucumbers, beets)

Carrots, apples, cucumbers and beets, products for teeth that contain many useful vitamins and microelements, such as beta-carotene, vitamins B, D, E, K, C, PP, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus , iodine, fluorine, iron, cobalt and silver, which normalize blood circulation in the gums and supply calcium and phosphorus necessary for healthy teeth.

Our teeth and gums become accustomed to soft, processed foods and stop functioning normally, resulting in plaque and poor circulation. Just a couple of hard vegetables or fruits a day - and your gums will be provided with a good massage, and your teeth will be free of deposits. In addition, such vegetables stimulate the secretion of saliva, which constantly washes the oral cavity and reduces the number of germs and bacteria.

2. Greens (parsley, lettuce, onion, dill, celery)

The composition of greens includes vitamins B, E, A, C, PP, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine, sodium, phosphorus, iron, beta-carotene and folic acid, which are important not only for teeth, but also for the entire body as a whole. Greens strengthen not only teeth, but also the immune system in general, help strengthen blood vessels, improve blood formation processes and eliminate bleeding from the gums.

Parsley and onion have a natural antibacterial, refreshing and odor-eliminating effect, their juice penetrates into hard-to-reach places, whitens teeth, removes plaque, strengthens and massages gums.

3. Berries (currants, grapes, strawberries, cranberries)

The berries are rich in a unique combination of organic acids, pigments and pectins, and contain vitamins PP, A, group B, C, E, H, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, iodine and fluorine.

The juice of some berries is recommended to be used to prevent caries. For example, cranberry juice, due to its bactericidal effect, reduces the likelihood of caries. It is believed that the components of berry juices block bacteria from accessing tooth enamel. Grapes can also be used in the prevention of caries, because it contains a whole complex of minerals and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on teeth and gums. In addition, grapes contain substances that block the activity of pathogenic microbes in the oral cavity.

4. Nuts (almonds, pine nuts, cashews)

Nuts contain all essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, P, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other mineral elements that determine their high nutritional value. In addition, cashew nuts contain a unique substance that can destroy bacteria that destroy tooth enamel. It has antibacterial, antiseptic, tonic properties, and relieves toothache.

Pine nuts contain vanadium, which promotes the development of bone tissue, phosphorus, which is involved in the formation and preservation of teeth and bones and plays an important role in the activity of muscles and nerve cells, calcium, which is the main component of bones and teeth and is necessary for blood clotting, cell integrity and cardiac activity.

5. Dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt)

In addition to calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamins A, B and D, which are beneficial for our body as a whole, dairy products have a beneficial effect on teeth. Thus, yogurt reduces the amount of hydrogen sulfide, which is the main factor causing bad breath, quickly raises the pH level, and phosphates, calcium and casein help mineralize teeth.

Cheese can be considered an effective means of preventing caries, because it increases the concentration of calcium in tooth enamel by 60% and increases the volume of saliva, which contains components that prevent the development of caries and gum inflammation. Cottage cheese contains proteins, lactic acid, iron and magnesium. It is well absorbed by the body, and the calcium and phosphorus salts that make up it are involved in the formation of bone tissue, nutrition of the nervous system and the formation of hemoglobin in the blood.

6. Citrus fruits (grapefruit, lime, orange)

Citrus fruits necessarily contain potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B, E, C, PP, which are so necessary for the body. Citrus aromas not only tone you up, lift your spirits, reduce drowsiness and increase attention and productivity, but also have a beneficial effect on teeth and gums. For example, eating grapefruit daily reduces bleeding gums and reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, and gum disease is the main cause of tooth loss.

It is also recommended to eat lime, which helps prevent tooth decay and contains many substances beneficial for teeth and gums. Calcium and phosphorus contained in lime help enamel resist pathogens and caries, and gums improve the functioning of blood vessels and prevent bleeding. At the same time, lime contains organic acids, which, while having a slight whitening effect, do not corrode the enamel and do not destroy the natural microflora of the teeth and oral cavity. Contained in huge quantities of vitamin C in oranges, it maintains a healthy collagen network in the gums, which prevents the development of many dental ailments by destroying bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum inflammation.

7. Seafood (fish, shrimp)

From a nutritional point of view, seafood is considered an almost ideal food, because it is rich in microelements and vitamins, primarily calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, vitamins B1 and D, the insufficient presence of which leads to fragility of bone tissue, diseases of teeth and gums. These elements strengthen the health of the gums and promote the proper formation of teeth, improve complexion and hair health, and help the body strengthen the immune system.

Shrimp contains calcium, thiamine, riboflavin, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and manganese that are easily absorbed by the body. The high content of calcium and fluoride affects the prevention of diseases of teeth and gums, because these minerals serve as a source for the construction of bones, the growth and preservation of teeth, the prevention of plaque formation and enamel destruction. Almost every type of fish is rich in calcium, selenium and fluorine, but the most valued is sea fish and other seafood, which, due to their high content of iodine and calcium, provide anti-caries protection for teeth.

8. Eggs (chicken, quail)

A chicken egg contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, 12 essential vitamins and almost all microelements. The vitamin D it contains is a source of phosphorus and helps prevent tooth decay, and eggshells are an ideal source of calcium, which is easily absorbed by the body, while medications such as calcium chloride, gypsum and chalk are poorly absorbed. By consuming crushed quail egg shells, you can get rid of bleeding gums and make your teeth strong and healthy.

9. Honey

Everyone knows that honey is good for health; it is not only a powerful source of energy and a means of boosting immunity, but also has a positive effect on dental health. Honey is especially rich in vitamins B and C, honey has antibacterial properties, has a general strengthening and rejuvenating effect on the body, and chewing wax honeycombs helps clean teeth and disinfect the oral cavity, effectively treats stomatitis and inflammation of mucous tissues. Propolis is used to treat periodontal disease, dental caries and gum inflammation; according to scientists, it reduces the number of enzymes that help bacteria attach to the tooth surface. In addition, about a hundred elements have been found in propolis that provide dental protection.

10. Drinks (tea, water)

Both black and green tea are very beneficial for teeth, thanks to the content of substances that stop the development of bacteria. The antioxidant catechin, which is part of the tea, kills bacteria that cause caries and bad breath, which means that by drinking a cup of tea after a meal, we freshen our breath and cleanse the oral cavity of bacteria, thereby protecting the gums and strengthening the teeth.

Clean drinking water enriched with fluoride also has a positive effect on dental health. Fluoridated water strengthens tooth enamel and prevents the occurrence of caries, inhibits the formation and accumulation of soft plaque, suppresses the vital activity of microorganisms, which leads to a decrease in the accumulation of organic acids in the oral cavity.

All these products will have a positive effect not only on your teeth, but also on the entire body as a whole. By consuming them daily, you saturate your body with vitamins and minerals that are good for your health. When your teeth and gums become strong and healthy, you will want to smile more often, which means a good mood and smiles in return are guaranteed!

The main ways to maintain healthy gums and teeth are careful hygiene, timely visits to the dental office, and proper balanced nutrition. What is good for teeth and what is harmful, what effect does the daily diet have on the condition of the oral cavity?

The connection between nutrition and dental health

There is a direct connection between food and oral health:

  1. , preventing external effects on dentin, provide calcium and fluoride. In addition, other microelements are necessary for the health of the outer shell of the chewing unit - for example, phosphorus, iodine, selenium.
  2. The oral cavity is populated by pathogenic bacteria that begin to multiply in a carbohydrate environment. They convert carbohydrates into acid, which destroys enamel, leaching microelements from it, resulting in the development of caries.
  3. Solid foods massage the gums, improving their blood supply, thereby reducing the risk of developing inflammatory processes.
  4. Drinking plenty of fluids promotes sufficient saliva production, which washes away bacteria from the surface of the teeth.

Strengthening teeth

Products that contain important microelements are beneficial for teeth:

  • Calcium, which forms enamel and promotes the formation of bone tissue, which is especially important after tooth extraction. Sources: fish, dates, greens, cabbage leaves.
  • Fluorine prevents the effects of acids, increases the resistance of tooth enamel to external factors. Found in fish, most nuts, organ meats, and soy.
  • Phosphorus takes part in the formation of the hard shell of the tooth. Included in bran, egg yolk, nuts, fish.
  • Iron prevents the development of periodontal disease and bleeding. Liver, buckwheat, spinach, pomegranates, and apples are rich in it.
  • Vitamin D prevents the formation of tartar, promotes better absorption of microelements. Sources: sour cream, eggs, vegetable oils, liver, cheeses, fatty fish.
  • Vitamin C stimulates metabolic processes, strengthens local immunity. Contained in all sour fruits, berries, citrus fruits, and sauerkraut.
  • B vitamins support the health of the skeletal system and prevent loosening of teeth. Found in apples, pumpkin, tomatoes, fish, garlic, chicken.

Thus, proper nutrition in terms of teeth and gums involves consuming the following foods:

  1. Fruits and vegetables, especially hard ones, allow, among other things, to strengthen the gums through massage and remove food debris naturally.
  2. Fish, seafood.
  3. Eggs, and the shell, which is 90% calcium carbonate, can also be used, for example, in the form of calcium water (the shell is filled with water and infused for several hours).
  4. Nuts, nut butter.
  5. Dairy products, especially fermented milk, are suppliers of pro- and prebiotics that naturally strengthen the immune system.
  6. Cheese, primarily hard varieties.
  7. Berries.
  8. Cereals – buckwheat, corn (corn porridge), oats.
  9. Coarse fiber products that provide optimal chewing load (carrots, radishes, apples).
  10. Honey, propolis, forming local immunity, destroying bacteria.

Harmful products

To maintain health, it is important to have an idea not only of what is good for your teeth, but also of foods that you should avoid eating:

  1. Sweets that create an environment for bacteria to multiply in the mouth.
  2. Soda: carbon dioxide negatively affects the enamel, thinning it.
  3. Foods with starch, which under the influence of saliva turns into simple carbohydrates (chips, wheat bread, potatoes, pastries).
  4. Acidic drinks and fruits destroy enamel, so you need to rinse your mouth after drinking them.
  5. Pickled foods with vinegar.
  6. Extreme temperature foods - too cold or hot.

To protect your teeth, it is important to follow some lifestyle recommendations:

  1. Eat small portions 5-6 times throughout the day. This will allow you to avoid snacking, during which you usually eat junk food.
  2. Brushing your teeth after every meal is not recommended as this can lead to thinning of the enamel. But rinsing with the use of special means will not cause any harm and will allow you to quickly remove food residues.
  3. It is better to drink acidic drinks with a straw so that the acid does not come into contact with the enamel.
  4. After eating, you can chew chewing gum that contains xylitol, which promotes saliva production.
  5. You should not adhere to strict diets that upset the balance of nutrients in the oral cavity.
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