Sleep paralysis: what is it, causes and symptoms of the condition, how to get rid of sleep stupor. Sleep paralysis: causes and complications. How the system works

The inability to move for several minutes after waking up is called sleep paralysis. . This phenomenon is quite common and very unpleasant: few of those who have encountered it dream of repeating this experience. Most want to know how to get rid of sleep paralysis if it has already come, or how to prevent such attacks.

Sleep paralysis definition

In the list of diseases, sleep stupor (aka sleep paralysis) is absent. Nevertheless, this phenomenon is quite common: according to various sources, from 40% to 60% of people have encountered it at least once in their lives. In most cases, sleep paralysis occurs upon awakening. In a dream, a person is immobilized - this natural paralysis is completely normal, and its absence leads to somnambulism. Upon awakening, a person gains the ability to control his movements, and consciousness becomes clear. In rare cases, these moments do not coincide: the consciousness clears up, but the body remains motionless.

As a rule, sleep paralysis is accompanied by difficulty breathing, tachycardia, fear, and sometimes auditory hallucinations. It may seem to a person that there is someone nearby - such sensations are so typical that different nations From time immemorial, the state of sleep paralysis has been associated with the intervention of otherworldly forces. It is interesting that some not only were not afraid of this strange phenomenon, but also wanted to repeat it again. Until now, many believe that sleep paralysis is a great opportunity to “order” yourself the right dream, get answers from otherworldly forces to the most important questions or even leave the body shell for a while. There are special techniques to specifically induce sleep paralysis. . In this case, stupor does not occur upon awakening, but upon falling asleep, but its symptoms are no different from ordinary sleep paralysis.

Today, doctors have found out the mechanism of occurrence sleepy stupor, although it is still not known exactly what causes such an uneven awakening.

In about half of the cases, sleep paralysis (especially recurring) is a symptom of narcolepsy - nervous disease of unknown etiology, which is characterized by sleep disturbances. In addition, sleep paralysis can also occur in healthy people against the backdrop of changing daily routines, changing time zones, chronic insomnia, stress, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Sleep paralysis, despite the panic it causes, is perfectly safe. This condition does not lead to death or any health problems. But if sleep paralysis is repeated often, it leads to exhaustion of the nervous system, so if you have repeated attacks, you should consult a doctor. Your doctor will help you identify the cause. unpleasant phenomenon and will recommend how to avoid sleep paralysis in the future.

Preventive measures

Most of those who have had to deal with sleep paralysis are not at all eager to repeat this experience again. Indeed, in the lives of many, this phenomenon never happens again. To reduce the likelihood of seizures, certain preventive measures should be taken.

The easiest way to act "on the contrary." So, since sleep paralysis occurs most often when resting on your back, it is better to sleep on your side (sleeping on your stomach can lead to difficulty breathing, which will result in sleep paralysis). If insomnia leads to sleep paralysis, then you need to get enough sleep. Is stress on the list of triggers? Therefore, stress should be avoided as much as possible.

A healthy lifestyle is very effective in quality prophylactic. Proper nutrition cessation of smoking and alcohol , active lifestyle and regular walks on fresh air help to avoid many health problems in general and with sleep in particular. But active sports, especially in the evening, are useless: it is believed that they contribute to the occurrence of sleepy stupor. You should also refrain from watching "bloody" news and thrillers.

Some medications can affect sleep patterns, including sleep paralysis. These drugs include almost all drugs that in one way or another affect nervous system. These are antidepressants, nootropics, sedatives and sleeping pills. If sleep paralysis attacks occur while taking such drugs, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this - it is likely that a dose change will be required.

People suffering from somnambulism, that is, "lunatics", never suffer from sleep paralysis. But against the background of taking medications for the treatment of sleepwalking, attacks of sleepy stupor are quite possible. This indicates that the dose of the drug is chosen incorrectly.

What to do during an attack?

How should you behave if sleep paralysis does occur? The first attack usually takes people by surprise and causes real panic. However, there is no good reason to panic: this symptom is completely safe and lasts no more than five minutes, and most often no more than two minutes. Awareness of this fact will allow you to treat sleepy stupor calmly.

Don't try hard to tense your muscles or move your arms or legs. Too much stress will only make things worse. It is better, on the contrary, to relax as much as possible and calmly wait for the strong feeling fear. After that, you can try to clench your fingers into a fist or wiggle your toes. If this fails on the first try, it's okay: it means that you just need to wait a little longer. It is only important to remain calm.

In most cases, such simple measures are enough - the attack passes without a trace, leaving behind only memories. And although it is difficult not to be nervous when the ability to move is lost, and breathing is difficult, it is quite real: you just need to remember that attacks of sleep paralysis are fleeting and pass quickly.

This is a violation of the process of awakening or falling asleep, characterized by total muscular atony against the background of waking consciousness. In most patients, it develops at the moment of awakening, accompanied by a temporary impossibility of voluntary movements, a feeling of fear, threatening hallucinations. Diagnosed clinically. Additionally, a consultation with a neurologist, a psychiatrist, and a comprehensive polysomnographic study are required. Treatment consists in the normalization of lifestyle, compliance with the sleep regimen, the exclusion of overload, the use various methods, allowing you to relax, calm down before going to bed.

    For centuries, people have associated sleep paralysis with the machinations of demons, sorcerers, evil spirits. With the advent of somnographic research methods, it was possible to find scientific explanation to this phenomenon. Within the framework of modern neurology, sleep paralysis belongs to the group of parasomnias, including nightmares, somnambulism, sleep intoxication, bruxism, nocturnal enuresis sleep related disorders eating behavior. Statistics show that 6-7% of the population has experienced sleep paralysis during their lifetime. Among patients with narcolepsy, paralytic parasomnia occurs in 45-50% of cases. The age of those suffering from this phenomenon varies between 12-30 years.

    The reasons

    At the core pathological condition lies the disorder of the sequence of onset of falling asleep or awakening of consciousness and characterizing the phase REM sleep atony skeletal muscles. The reasons for the development are not exactly established. Predisposing factors are:

    • Sleep disorders. The presence of insomnia, narcolepsy increases the likelihood of other pathological changes in the course and sequence of sleep phases. Have a similar effect chronic sleep deprivation, permanent mode changes, frequent change time zones.
    • Psycho-emotional overload. Sharp and chronic stress can cause disturbances in the regulation of sleep-wake cycles. Patients with paralytic parasomnia note an increase in episodes of paralysis against the background of mental overstrain.
    • Toxic effects on the CNS. With drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism, nicotine addiction, long-term use of certain pharmaceuticals (tranquilizers, antidepressants), substances entering the body have a harmful effect on the brain. The result may be a malfunction in the functioning of systems that regulate sleep and wakefulness.
    • Sleep on your back. Paralytic parasomnia occurs predominantly in patients sleeping in the supine position. Sleep on the side proceeds without episodes of paralysis. The reason for this pattern is unclear.
    • hereditary determinism. The genetic basis of the disease has not yet been studied, but cases of its occurrence within the same family are known.


    Physiological sleep begins with slow phase(FMS), which is replaced by fast (FBS). The latter is characterized by a pronounced decrease in the tone of skeletal muscles, excluding the respiratory ones. The rhythm of breathing quickens, the breath becomes shorter. brain activity rises to the level of wakefulness. With paralytic parasomnia, the sequence of processes is disrupted, the human consciousness wakes up before it is restored muscle tone, there is a feeling of immobility - sleep paralysis. The appearance of paralysis is also possible at the moment of falling asleep, when the phase of REM sleep occurs, and consciousness is still in the waking state.

    Since in the FBS there is a reflex setting of breathing to frequent short breaths, attempts by the awakened person to deep breath end in failure, which causes a feeling of pressure in the chest. The inability to move is perceived by the brain as life threatening situation, ejection occurs a large number neurotransmitters that provoke feelings of fear, panic, hallucinations. vestibular apparatus active, but due to the lack of movements does not receive information from the periphery, which causes unusual sensations of flight in the air.


    Parasomnia occurs at the moment of transition from a sleepy state to wakefulness and vice versa. The classification is based on the belonging of seizures to the period of falling asleep or awakening. In accordance with this criterion, sleep paralysis is divided into:

    • hypnopompic- observed during waking. Occurs rarely. Occurs as a result of the onset of FBS until the consciousness is completely immersed in sleepy state. Patients experience a feeling of immobility prior to falling asleep.
    • hypnagogic- Appears when going to sleep. observed in the vast majority of cases. Caused by the preservation of all physiological features FBS with the awakening of consciousness that has already begun. Accompanied by a vivid clinical picture, severe emotional experiences.

    Sleep paralysis symptoms

    The pathological condition is similar to gross paresis in stroke. The patient is unable to perform voluntary motor acts. The feeling of immobility is excruciating, accompanied by panic fear visual and auditory hallucinations. The patient sees dark figures, nightmares, hears threats, noise, steps, a specific squeak, feels the presence of hostile creatures. There is a violation of orientation in space, there is an illusion of flight, circling, hovering in the air, being in a moving elevator.

    Perhaps a feeling of false movements - the illusion of a coup on its side when realizing the absence motor ability. Complaints of a feeling of chest compression, suffocation, inability to breathe are typical. Sleep paralysis has a paroxysmal course. A paralytic episode lasts from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes; there are no neurological symptoms in the post-attack period. The frequency of seizures ranges from one episode to two or three paroxysms per night. Attacks do not pose a threat to life, are not accompanied by real asphyxia and other complications.


    Characteristic symptoms allow you to establish sleep paralysis based on clinical picture. The examination is carried out with the recurrence of paralytic episodes, aimed at excluding neurological and psychiatric pathology. List diagnostic procedures includes:

    • Neurologist examination. Neurological status without features. There may be signs of emotional lability, asthenia against the background of overwork, existing background sleep disorders.
    • Polysomnography. In the presence of video surveillance, it is possible to fix a paralytic episode: the patient is motionless, eyes are open, the face expresses fear, cardiorespiratory monitoring registers changes typical for FBS (tachycardia, tachypnea with a decrease in inspiratory volume). Electroencephalography makes it possible to differentiate sleep paralysis from nocturnal epileptic paroxysms.
    • MSLT test. Multiple latency testing is done when narcolepsy is suspected. The diagnosis confirms the reduction of latency, the presence of more than 2 episodes of falling asleep.
    • Psychiatric consultation. It is carried out by the method of conversation, observation, psychological testing. Needed to rule out comorbid psychiatric disorders.

    Differential diagnosis is carried out with other somnological disorders, mental illness, epilepsy. Narcolepsy is accompanied by paroxysms of hypnolepsy - irresistible daytime hypersomnia. Somnambulism is the reverse state of sleep paralysis, occurs against the background of the absence muscle hypotension in FBS. In the course of a somnological study, sleep apnea syndrome is excluded according to respiratory monitoring, epilepsy - according to EEG results.

    Sleep paralysis treatment

    In most cases, therapy includes a conversation with the patient about the causes of paralytic episodes, measures to normalize the daily routine, psychological relaxation before bedtime. Medical treatment prescribed in the presence of neurotic disorders and mental illness. To prevent the occurrence of new episodes of paralysis, the following recommendations can be observed:

    • Work mode optimization. It is necessary to avoid physical and mental overload, find time for rest. Useful fortifying physical exercises, walks in the open air.
    • Sleep mode normalization. Going to bed and waking up should be at the same time every day. The recommended duration of sleep is 8-9 hours.
    • Relax before bed. Aroma and herbal baths, sedative massage, soothing herbal preparations, soft music. Stop watching TV before bed mental stress, work at the computer, as they activate the activity of the brain.
    • Wake up on demand. Studies have shown the occurrence of paralytic parasomnia only with independent awakening. To prevent seizures, you should wake up on an alarm clock, ask loved ones to wake you up in the morning.

    An important point is the patient's awareness of the mechanism of occurrence of parasomnic paroxysms. The help of a psychologist is possible. Psychological consultations include the development of methods for reducing emotional experiences, an accelerated exit from an attack. Training in relaxation methods is recommended, which the patient subsequently uses on his own.

    Forecast and prevention

    Sleep paralysis is characterized by a benign course, spontaneous disappearance of symptoms against the background of lifestyle changes. Relapse of the disease, increased frequency of seizures provoke stressful situations, non-compliance with the regime, overload. Prevention is aimed at eliminating trigger factors: stress, excessive loads, sleep deprivation, constant regime changes. The main points of the primary and secondary prevention are a healthy lifestyle, a calm and benevolent acceptance of any life situations, a reasonable professional and educational workload, timely treatment existing sleep disorders.


1. Sleep paralysis or syndrome old witch/ Dursunova A.I.// International magazine experimental education. – 2014 - №6.

2. Phenomenon lucid dreaming/ Kotlyarov E.E., Vetvitskaya S.M.// International student scientific bulletin. – 2017 – №6.

3. Introspective analysis of the manifestations of sleep paralysis / Zhilov D.A., Nalivaiko T.V.// Topical issues modern psychology and pedagogy. Collection of reports of the XVI International scientific conference. - 2014.

4. Introspective analysis of the manifestations of sleep paralysis / Zhilov D.A., Nalivaiko T.V. / / Topical issues of modern psychology and pedagogy. Collection of reports of the XVI International scientific conference. - 2014.

ICD-10 code

According to statistics, approximately 60% of the world's population claims to have experienced or periodically experience the symptoms of sleep paralysis. The term sleep paralysis is not classified as medical disease but nevertheless he has his reasons, characteristic symptoms and methods of elimination.

In physiology, sleep paralysis is similar to real paralysis, that is, a person cannot move a single muscle group, while he believes that full awakening has already come.

Ongoing research has made it possible to find out that sleep paralysis is explained by a violation of a person's passage of all phases of sleep. Quite specific reasons can lead to such an imbalance, and usually, immediately after their elimination, everything returns to normal.

Causes of sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis occurs in two cases - at the moment when a person begins to fall asleep or vice versa, in the awakening stage. It is noted that muscle paralysis never occurs at the wake of an alarm clock, that is, stupor occurs at the time of the natural course of one of the phases of sleep.

At the time of falling asleep, a person is in the phase slow sleep, in which the muscles are already relaxed, and the mind is not yet turned off, and moreover, it registers the quietest sounds.

Abrupt awakening at the moment of transition to deep sleep causes the activation of the brain, but at the same time the body can not yet respond to impulses. That is, it seems to a person that the team from the brain departments gets to the right “address” for too long and the limbs react to it with a slowdown.

A similar condition is also recorded in people who wake up before the end of the REM phase. Despite the fact that many people think that they experience paralysis for more than 10 minutes, in fact this pathological process rarely exceeds 2 minutes.

Gradually, muscles begin to work, a person has a voice and the ability to make movements, but for a long time there is a feeling of experienced horror. Reasons for sleep paralysis include:

  • Sleep deprivation, especially if it lasts for several weeks.
  • Prolonged stress and neurological disorders.
  • A shift in biorhythms, for example, when flying from one time zone to the opposite one.
  • Mental illness.
  • Dependence on drugs, psychotropic substances.
  • Sleep paralysis can develop while taking nootropics and antidepressants.
  • Often given state occurs in conjunction with narcolepsy and occasional nocturnal leg cramps.

Some researchers argue that sleep paralysis has genetic predisposition. There have been cases of recurring bouts of sleep stupor in blood relatives. Therefore, if you have had similar cases among relatives, then you have a much greater chance of entering sleep paralysis.

For the first time, sleep paralysis most often begins to appear after 10 years and can disturb up to 20-25 years. In people middle age the state of immobility in sleep with the full work of consciousness is recorded much less frequently.

Most people experience paralysis from 1 to several times in their entire lives, but 5% of patients who turned to a neurologist were less fortunate - they have seizures up to several times a year or even a month.

How to call?

Sleep paralysis affects the psyche of most people in the same way - they get scared, afraid of repetition similar condition experience intense terror. But there are daredevils who try to artificially experience sleep paralysis in order to understand the secrets of their subconscious. There are certain body postures and techniques in which you can intentionally enter a sleep stupor:

  • First you need to take a more conducive to paralysis position - lie on your back, and throw your head back, placing a small roller under your neck.
  • It is necessary to achieve such sensations that arise when falling upside down with high altitude. That is, you need to achieve a feeling of weightlessness, cause noise and whistling in your ears, a gust of wind in your face. If you fully, as in reality, achieve this state, then you will experience sleep paralysis.
  • You can make sleep paralysis if you achieve immobility in a dream and cause a strong fright in yourself. At the time of falling asleep, you need to remember what really scares you.
  • Some people get sleepy stupor if they drink coffee before going to bed. At first, the phase of slow sleep will begin to act, but as soon as the caffeine interacts with the body's systems, the person will immediately wake up abruptly.

The onset of sleep paralysis is indicated by the appearance auditory hallucinations- you can hear steps in the room, extraneous rustles and even the movement of objects.


People experiencing or once subjected to the mechanism of action of sleep paralysis usually characterize their condition in approximately the same way. The most important thing is the immobility of any muscle groups with apparent full consciousness, often stupor is accompanied by unusual sound illusions. Signs of sleep paralysis include:

  • Feeling of panic.
  • Feeling pressure on upper part torso, especially chest and neck.
  • Difficulty inhaling and exhaling, inability to make sounds.
  • At the time of sleep paralysis, the heartbeat always increases.
  • A person is not oriented in space, there is an illusion that he is in an unfamiliar place.
  • From visual hallucinations there is a fixation of shadows, obscure, dark silhouettes.
  • Auditory illusions are accompanied by noise, the movement of shadows around the room, some feel the breath of an outside creature next to them.

Such sensations in most cases occur in people who prefer to sleep on their back or on their right side, often tilting their heads back also contributes to a partial immobility of the body upon awakening. Some people find it easier to fall into sleep paralysis. This is due to their suspiciousness, anxiety, neurological disorders.

It is also possible to notice that a person is undergoing sleep paralysis by a nearby relative by muscle tension on the face, twitching of the arms or legs, intermittent, heavy breathing.


Most neurologists believe that sleep paralysis in specific treatment does not need and it is impossible to deal with it in this way. But this is only if the person does not have depression, neuroses, sleep disorders, dependence on alcohol or drugs. Paralysis will periodically disturb until these provoking factors are eliminated.

In order to prevent further recurrence of an attack of sleep paralysis, it is necessary to achieve normalization of sleep. In some cases, the simplest tips help with this:

  • Regular exercise in the fresh air is essential. This approach to healthy lifestyle of life links together the work of the brain centers and muscles, which ensures the coherence of their functioning in all phases of sleep.
  • Helps normalize sleep bad habits. No need to get carried away and strong tonic drinks in the evening.
  • Before going to bed, the room should be well ventilated, it is advisable to take a relaxing bath or drink a decoction of soothing herbs.
  • Try to fall asleep on your side. Tangible objects can be placed under the back, so that the flip on the back causes discomfort.
  • need to sleep enough time - for some people it is 6 hours, for others a little more. You need to try to fall asleep at the same time.

How to get out?

In most cases, a stupor that occurs regularly in a dream can be interrupted in the following ways:

  • During paralysis, you need to relax as much as possible and try to move your fingers or toes, make a sound.
  • For some, activation helps to quickly return to a normal state. brain activity- counting numbers, problem solving, mental singing. Prayer is believed to help, but this is more due to the fact that you have to concentrate to remember the words.
  • Breath control. Feeling paralysis, you need to try to make uniform, deep respiratory movements. By mastering this technique, you can always cope with paralysis.
  • In a state of paralysis, it is usually possible to move the eyes. You can try several times to close and open the eyelids.
  • If the state of paralysis recurs periodically, then you can ask your husband or wife to always pay attention to your behavior in a dream. It is enough to move a person or call out to him in order for him to quickly come out of a stupor.

It happens that sleep paralysis begins to visit a person almost every night or several times. In this case, it will not be superfluous to visit a specialist for examination and prescribing sedatives.

Why is sleep paralysis dangerous?

The state of terror that occurs with sleep paralysis plunges many into panic, but the stupor itself is not dangerous. In a few minutes, everything returns to normal, breathing and heartbeat normalize, and the person falls asleep again.

An informative video that talks about the causes and symptoms of sleep paralysis:

It is worse when sleep paralysis occurs periodically in too suspicious people. They may decide they are susceptible lethargic sleep, heart disease, neurosis. Constantly thinking about the upcoming stupor, a person causes insomnia and neurotic disorders which will require adequate treatment.

A special training program will get rid of the paralysis that develops after a stroke. Currently, Dr. Vivek Prabhakaran, representing the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is testing the new system. In fact, you can completely need it for this.

According to WebMD, it is quite possible that it will be possible to return mobility to every patient who has experienced a stroke and is paralyzed. New system looks like a complex computer interface with the properties of electrical muscle stimulation. However, this is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Tested by experiments

The system has already been tested on eight patients who were paralyzed in one arm. Training on this system was conducted for six weeks. As a result, everyday activities such as buttoning a shirt and combing hair became easier for patients. It is also important that the stroke in all cases occurred several years before the experiment was started.

How the system works

Volunteers wore a special cap with electrodes that could pick up brain signals. These signals were later decoded on a computer. The system sent small currents through the wires to the pads that were attached to the arm. Thanks to this, it was possible to create the effect of the work of natural natural impulses, which activated the muscles.

Patients were asked to play a simple computer game- patients had to hit the target by moving the ball with their paralyzed hand. The practice continued for two hours; a total of fifteen sessions were organized.

What effect were you expecting?

It is known that the brain has two hemispheres. If one area suffers from a stroke, then provided proper training the second is able to take over some of the functions of the first. This kind of training was provided by the system.

It is noteworthy that positive changes in the brain persisted even a month after the completion of the course of therapy. But most likely, patients will need supportive care. In addition, to fully assess the potential of the system in full is possible only within the boundaries of a larger survey. You can also use different ones.

Sleep paralysis is a condition in which a person wakes up from sleep but is unable to move or speak. Sleep paralysis can also be accompanied by shortness of breath, a sense of impending doom, a feeling that you are being watched. This unpleasant and often frightening condition can be prevented with the help of certain measures: sleep more, take herbal remedies or visit a doctor. If you have frequent sleep paralysis, or improved sleep hasn't cleared it up, seek medical attention.


Immediate action

    Try to relax. Sleep paralysis is often a terrible feeling, and you may need to get rid of it, especially if it is accompanied by a feeling that someone is holding you back. Wherein The best way is to relax. If you feel like something is holding you in place, do not resist and do not try to break free - let the unknown force continue to act. This will help you fully wake up or fall asleep again.

    • Try saying to yourself: “I have sleep paralysis, this is a natural state, nothing threatens me.” Repeat something like this to yourself when you are trying to fully wake up or fall asleep again with sleep paralysis.
  1. Remember that everything is fine. Understanding this will help you relax in case of sleep paralysis - if you know what is happening to you and understand that this is only a short-term phenomenon, it will be easier for you to relax. While sleep paralysis can be a sign rare disease, the so-called narcolepsy, is usually not associated with any serious health problems. When you sleep, you are in “atony”, meaning your brain keeps your body calm and relaxed (this is probably why you don’t move in accordance with what you dream, which could harm yourself and others). In sleep paralysis, you are aware of this state.

    Wiggle your toes, try to wince or make a fist. Some people manage to interrupt sleep paralysis if they move their arm or leg. Try to focus all your attention on your toes or fingers and try to move them or make a fist with your fingers. Another way is to try to wince, as if you felt bad smell. Repeat these steps several times to finally wake up.

    Talk to your partner. If you share a bed with a loved one, talk to them and talk about how you feel. In this case, he can help you get out of sleep paralysis. Ask loved one to shake you if he notices that you are panting and panting. This does not always work - the partner may make a mistake and interrupt your normal sleep- but worth a try.

    Don't eat anything about two hours before bed. late meal can disrupt sleep and increase the risk of sleep paralysis. If you are in the habit of snacking before bed, try to do it no later than two hours before bedtime.

    Don't exercise before bed. Intensive physical exercise late hours interfere with sleep, so try to plan your workouts for more early time i.e. in the morning or afternoon.

    • If you still need to play sports in evening time, give preference light exercise such as walking, light weight lifting, stretching exercises.
  2. Limit or cut out caffeine altogether in the afternoon and evening. Caffeine interferes with sleep. Reduce or eliminate caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and coca-cola in the afternoon.

    • For example, if you're used to having a cup of coffee at 4:00 pm, try replacing it with decaffeinated coffee or a cup of green tea.
  3. Relax before bed. Taking some time to relax before bed will improve your sleep and help prevent sleep paralysis. There are many relaxation techniques. For example, you can try the following methods:

    • progressive muscle relaxation
    • deep breathing
    • taking a bath
    • yoga or light stretching
    • soothing music

herbal remedies

  1. Take valerian root. Valerian root has a calming effect, it helps to fall asleep and promotes deeper and longer sleep. Nutritional supplements with valerian root can be purchased at pharmacies or stores healthy eating. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking valerian root.

    • Valerian root is able to interact with other drugs such as fexofenadine, alprazolam and lorazepam.
    • The usual dosage is 400-900 milligrams approximately two hours before bedtime for 28 days.
  2. Try taking passionflower. Passionflower will help you calm down and improve the quality of your sleep. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or store healthy food. Check with your doctor before taking passion flower.

    • Passionflower is able to lower blood pressure, so if you are taking medications to normalize blood pressure, consult your doctor first.
    • Do not take passionflower when pregnant as it may cause uterine contractions.
    • Try taking one 90 milligram passionflower tablet daily.
  3. Drink chamomile tea. Chamomile soothes and improves the quality and duration of sleep. Try drinking 1-2 cups (250-500 milliliters) of chamomile tea before bed every night. To make chamomile tea, put a bag of chamomile tea in a mug and simply pour boiling water over it. Wait about 5 minutes for the tea to brew, then remove the tea bag. Wait for the tea to cool down a bit before drinking it.

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